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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. what gun would be good for a starter: 1.it has to be a spring gun 2.my budget is £200-300 3.it has to be able to kill rabbits,woodpigeons and suchalike at 30 yrds 4. it has to be short and light enough for a 13 year old to use 5.it has to be 22. i've really narrowed it down
  2. i only take 2 and there very nice....in my river theres so many of them your not making any impact by taking a few
  3. i no what you mean mate ive priced up greyling fishing bfor id caught 1 in amazement out of our river and it was some wear near 100 puond a day feck that the stream we fish is teaming with them no massive size biggest be 1.5 puond but thats plenty i always put them back to or is it werth knocking 1 ont head for tea my mrs loves a bit of fresh fish so if anyone eatys greyling whats it like river taff (the one i fish) 5 pound for a day ticket(adult) and for me it only 2.50 (im 12)
  4. thats a big grayling....caught on the fly too. unfortuneatly on my river (the taff) pepole tend to throw maggots in by the bucket load and there not intrested in natrauls at all thats why switched over to maggot free lined on a fly rod (half and half?)
  5. 1. dont know how to get pictures on the forum 2. didnt take any of those particuler grayling (no camera) i went and the river was so low i didnt expext to catch anything(boy was i wrong) i waas using a fly rod with a maggot on the end
  6. the first i ever shot was shot today. it was crow witch was cawin down the chimney at 6oclock in the morning and really pssin off my mum and dad so i went outside with an air rifle that up and till then had never shot anything live before. direst hit nech shot, dropped like a stone.
  7. ssssh dont tell anyone its a secret. 3Ib+ grayling on the taff....... somewhere below radyr weir free line a red maggot around some loosefeed of maggot watch the red maggot sink and a dark shape will gulp it up. had 20+ 2ib grayling, 6 2.5 b grayling and 2 3ibs grayling. a new grayling british record will be soon.
  8. where these wild fish? if so then i wouldent take more than 5. we have to preserve our fish for the future. : not impressed
  9. i fish for surface feeding carp with a 4 weight , no castin involved i just throw out a size 6 hook with a large chunk of bread on it and wait for some big rubbery lips to inclse around it.
  10. what about pointed pellets? any beginner (like me) would asume amiediatly that pointys give better penatration Penetration is useful but you lack accuracy with these which is even more important. In addition, it is also about imparting all the energy into the quarry (as someone else has said) rats, small birds, whatever...if you go right through you waste energy!! To keep it simple, domed will be the answer! what about long range (30 yrds) rabbit and pigeon shooting (let me geuss, domed?) oh and thanks for all the tips p.s wich is better 22. or 177., ive got a 2
  11. what about pointed pellets? any beginner (like me) would asume amiediatly that pointys give better penatration
  12. wich is the best type of pellet for these critters i.e wad cutter, domed, pointed...... wood pigeon= rabbits=
  13. normaly if you ask any fishing tackle store nr you there should be a few venues pop up. if not, then nearly and slow river with deep patches will hold chub (although not sure about barbel) try fishing a worm/maggot/cheese paste on a size 8-14 hook with 4 AAA shot up the line down the flow, feeling for bites with the line tight at all times. happy fishing
  14. im 13 and there are plenty of nice fat juicy woodies around me but im not sure about starting hunting for them ive got a springer air rifle with 11.5 p/ft but ive herd a lot of pepole you have to get wood pigeons in the head and wing and chest shots are pointless so far i can hit a target 4 inch in diamter at roughly the same ditance i can get to wood pigeon (30-20 yrds) and when i say hit i dont mean in the middle immean anywhere on the target! help
  15. im 13 and there are plenty of nice fat juicy woodies around me but im not sure about starting hunting for them ive got a springer air rifle with 11.5 p/ft but ive herd a lot of pepole you have to get wood pigeons in the head and wing and chest shots are pointless so far i can hit a target 4 inch in diamter at roughly the same ditance i can get to wood pigeon (30-20 yrds) and when i say hit i dont mean in the middle immean anywhere on the target! help
  16. im new to hunting and think i've a pretty good shot for a beginner (i can hit a 3 inch circle 4 out of 5 times) and i think im ready to start hunting live quarry. i have a scope on my air rifle (zeroed). the only problem is that for my intended quarry (wood pigeons) there is a lot of talk on where to hit. of course a head shot will nearly every time but a wodd pigeons head is surprisinly small where else can hit wich will ensure a clen kill?
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