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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. what was left of the tree rat after you shooting it with a shotgun!?
  2. squirrels are delicous. i tried 1 i did'nt shoot and its really nice. although aparently they take long to skin and gut.
  3. I'M HHHHHHAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. thanks everybody. i just got my first tree rat 20 mins ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!. got back from school and saw a squireel right at the end of my 100 meter long garden sitting in a tree. went and got the rifle and stalked it. in my blue uniform! shot it from 20 yards away. perfect head shot!!! am very happy now!! thankyou everyone pigeon plucker. p.s i'm 13
  5. got back from school about 20 mins ago. saw a squrrel in the trees wich i had been trying to get for ages, stalked it and shot it, clean head shot. second ever kill and am very pleased. i've been waiting for hours in full camo with bait out in front of me to get this squirrel. am very happy! im 13. pigeon plucker p.s im gunna eat it!
  6. escapee from a rabbit farm or a pet! i think the owners are wondering what happened to 'snowball'!
  7. looks likie a good gun. although you could get a good BSA pcp for cheaper....
  8. have to be honest, im not into foxy hunting! bring on the shooting, snaring, trapping, falconry, fishing, spearfishing and hunting rabbits with dogs! pigeon plucker
  9. nice flathead mate! we don't get those over here though... good pics, keep em coming everyone!
  10. wingwalking?, firewalking?, swordwielding? what got you into hunting!!!!!
  11. autmn is when the squirrels are the fatsest! ROLL ON AUTUMN!
  12. so you chop the bony bit of the legs off the squirrel, nearly chop off the tail and pull the skin up to the head and then chop off the head, then you run your knife down body so you don't burst the gut and then pull out the guts, correct?
  13. Hi aaronpigeonplucerand i must say that is some name Fisrt off all yes you can stalk them but a squirel is like any other quarry.The more it is hunted the wiser it gets.It will become more alert to scent and sound and will bolt to the nearest drey ,tree hole or in the summer hide at the very top of a well shrubed tree at the slitest sonud.I find if this happends. Just pick a spot near by and sit quietly most time,s it will reapear Whitin ten to fifteen mins.If you have sat at the right spot you will nail the little tree rat. On the Other hand groud that is not worked much they tend to run up t
  14. realy? well that will save a lot of effort finding foliage! i heard it off a tv show. thanks!
  15. how do you gut and skin a squirrel? pigweon plucker
  16. Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot... did you eat all those tree rats?!
  17. i'd love to give you some pictures cometa but i don't have any at the mo. but my kills ae: (bearing in mynd i only started shooting at christmas) rabbits x1 woodysx1 tree rats x1 ratsx0 game(pheasents ect)x0 tin cansx147!
  18. doves are just pretty ferals mate. they are introducec as well. although they don't have any meat on them so i don't shoot them.
  19. try a cage trap with penut butter but don't plonk it just anywhere, think about where the tree rat has been travelling back and forth. at the base of trees is a good bet. then once set cover it in foliage from around the place your trapping in. logs, branches and leaf litter works well. once you have caught your squirel put a sack around the opening of the trap and empty the squirrel into it, then wack it with a heavy log or such. for a cleaner kill point an air rifle throught the bars and give it a head or upper body shot. at point blank range it dosent matter where yo hit it as long as its u
  20. what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards? pigeon plucker
  21. ah yes, trotted worms and sweetcorn dose catch more grayling. but fly is the purist method . also bugging is a very enjoyable way of fishing. quote from.....some fishing book "you cast your team of nymphs acorss and sligtly upstream and put a mend in the line you hold the rod high and watch the indicator bob off downstream. your indicator tears under and you feel a jab on the line, you lift your rod into a hard fighting small little bar of silver of a grayling" czech nymphing is just like float fishing except its much lighter tackle and your using flies instead of bait. although p
  22. the bsa bullbarrel is a good gun but it looks heavy
  23. there are plnty of posts on this subject, go on FAQs. pigeon plucker
  24. i see, so basicly theyre blowing up moles and gophers! do they allow that in the uk? someones just gunna get exploded?
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