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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. count me in! right off to school on saturday...saturday? yep im gunna bag 100s of gulls at my school groung and woop all of your arses!
  2. nice! all he needs is to fit a scope on it and it could be a good rattiing tool!
  3. bloomin overfed fat carp..... BRING ON THE SEA BASS
  4. i'll but if it was in a kids size. this dosent help at all dose it.
  5. i wouldn never feed rats to ferrets or falcons. some one might have previously poisend it.
  6. yeah that'll do but let them out during the day of course
  7. wou will only get about 2 eggs a day with 3 chickens though, normally.
  8. 3 will be fine! although i think thats as low as you can go chicken number wise
  9. warrens or magpies (breeds) are good chickens and will produce a good amount of eggs for a long time. feed them on maze, layers pellets and scraps/leftovers from the kitchen. 5-6 chikens is a good place to start and you will need quite a large hutch. give them a dust bath and put some big logs in yopur garden and turn them over every week or so. this will let your chickens have a nice scratch aroung for beatles and worms. fence off any flowerrbeds or veg patchs though! you will need a pen at least 12ftx7ft for 5 chickens
  10. bsa lightning xl is quality gun #. brillianthndling and very light
  11. for wild trout wet: partridge and orange dry: greenwells. for grayling. wet: gold head hares ear dry: red tag. for non wild trout. wet: blob! dry: shipmans buzzer
  12. i put s post up against fox shooting on the rimmy, centrefire and shotgun section. i was an absalout idiot and should have foreseen the consequences. i'm really stupid and niave. i se now why pepole shoot foxes. i was incredibly stupid. but now someones sending me abusive personal messages. i'll block him but what can i do? p.s i am sooooo stupid. i really looking back now was just garunteed to start an argument. im really sorry
  13. where can i get a copy of your snaring DVD

  14. and actually rabbits where introduced by the normans, they proved it
  15. if foxes took 1 chicken (if they managed to get pas my fence)then i wouldent really care but why do they kill so many birds and only eat a few?
  16. why would foxes just kill somethingfor no rweason? foxes only kill for food
  17. on large farms with 100s of acres of land where foxes are killing lambs then it would probably be a less expensive and easier to shoot the fox. but on very small amount of land where urban foxes are causing trouble the i believe its easier to just add 3 feet to your fence and bobs your uncle, the chicken and duck deaths stopped. but for large famrs yes my idea is not an option
  18. okay i should have had a think about fox controlling on 500 acre farms.... but smallhoders still don't need to shoot foxes. and as you said i probably am a hypocrite, but pigeons attack crops and crops are 100s of acres wide so it would be hard to protect them. but foxes attack lambs in fields even wider than crop fields. i see your point now. that on a much larger scale it would be a less expensiveand easier soltution to shoot the fox on than on my small farm you wouldent have to just add some chicken wire to the top. i posted the post "fox?" after looking at a video on the snaring section. f
  19. i just like eating everything i shoot and very rarely shoot something wich is native to our country
  20. its not the hare season at the moment they should be taken off the list of the comp
  21. nice pics but please wild fish! bring on the fly fishing
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