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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. http://www.basc.org.uk/content/pigeonandpotatopie this is nice. is your bird old or young? young birds taste nicer and have more tender fklesh.
  2. by theway where do you go hunting and ferreting in pecoed? i live in dinas powys right next to cardiff and there isent any wood pigeon land round there!
  3. of course you can eat wood pigeons! buetifal meat too. well pluck it straight away then take out the breasts. no need for gutting. or gut it and eat the hole carcass.
  4. duck getting better! moving a bout more and using both its legs now although still a little limp. and my view on foxes has changed. sure i'm not going to hunt them like i do rabbits, but if things get out of control i will. by the way foxes dont have runs like rabbits so how do you snare them? and do they have tealers like rabbit snare do? and would you have to snare them at different heights for cubs or adults?
  5. i have the same traps but i checked them this morning. all the peanut butter had been licked off and they had both been set off but no rat
  6. small 3.5 inch lock knife is what i carry. i file the point off them to make them less dangerous. razor sharp knife though. why did you put this up on airgunning section BTW?
  7. they look like a good gun. isent the logun evo a similar gun?
  8. http://www.airgunbbs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89120
  9. my first squirrel: time: 3.45pm game:squirrl amount shot; 1 got home from school and saw it in a tree right at the end of the garden, went into the house quitly (nobody home) and loaded the gun. stalked it, used a long hedge as cover, shot it from 20 yards, neck shot, 2 twitches of a tail then dead.
  10. welcome to the site mpalmer. nice haer there! similar to out blue hair. what was that hair shot with? is that a .22 rimfire. i'd love to be living up in Canada (apart from the cold!) as it looks like a beutifull place. G.S water is truly a great guy and very good snareman.
  11. its all cheap low quality stuff.....i'm running up there now!
  12. so it can only tackle (in your skillfull hands) magpies, jackdaws and rats?
  13. i find the beat way to catch rats without a sesetive pro victor trap, just cheap B&Q traps, is to put them with noi bait on them and not set. then put them in a rat runrat run and then after 3 days set the trap but dont bait it. the rats will be so used to running over the trap that the pressure of that will get them.
  14. do you think the pistol could tackle anythning bigger than a squirrel?
  15. so not gat guns then? but dont you have to be fairly close to get a clean kill?
  16. what about snaring? anyway this is my first rabbit diary. time: about 5 4.30 or 4.45 game: rabbit amount shot:1 went down to chek the snares, saw 2 rabbit really far away. sat down and watched them through my scope for about 10 minutes. one of them was chasing the other around and i witnessed a little rabbit romance another 2 of them popped out in front of me about 25 yards away. bang dead bunny just below the ear was the shot placement.
  17. tiemlord, what ft per ibs does the pistol give out as IMO most pistols are too underpowered for any range over 15 yards.
  18. stick with the s410, from what ive heard its a good reliable gun. theoben evos are good though and very portable and look light. theres a video by webley pellets on youtube feturing steve,... forgeton second name. its about airgun hunting and he gives a review on the evo in one of his videos.
  19. change the piece of bread for a gill net works better than both! change that to a electro fisher and works better than all ofd them
  20. if tis that old then it would sell for quite a lot in a gun auctioning. you could sell an old gun like that for over £800 or in your case $800
  21. hugh fernely whittingstall has got a good one. its a bit tedious but it turns a bad tasting fish into a delicous fish. as soon as i find the book i'll put it up but i think its on his website.
  22. escaped from a gin and tonic fueled ten gun masscare probably!
  23. cat caught in fox snare was a year or so back. it was in the news.
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