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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. its al right but make sure you dry it EVERYWHERE. there is nothinbg worse than a rusted up loading port. the bit where the mag goes in can get rusted badly apparently
  2. have you got any airgunning/pest control/stalking/trapping/snaring books?
  3. on my river its 25 pound a year (not a season) for me.
  4. when i read the titel i thought it would be some idiot claming that he had got a roe deer with a cataplut nah, they look good mate! what tubing did you use?
  5. http://www.air-arms.co.uk/products_prosport.html here you go
  6. i have hardly done any decoying and i want to set up 5 decoys in my garden. i am not shotty shooting, i'm just trying to get them to land in my garden so i can take them with an air rifle. i want to know what patern i should set them in, whever the wind makes a difference, put some corn on the ground ect. thanks, Aaron
  7. good point raider, i'll reduce there points
  8. those hydes theyv'egot would be good for pigeons. neveer seen those type of hydes before. other than that, it must be too easy!
  9. JSR scopes are supposed to be good (im getting one) and are outstandingly cheap.
  10. thanks guys! im gunna try and get one straight away
  11. how clos did you shoot him mate! defenantly well deaded.
  12. i did a similar post on ags scopes. on this link http://www.jsramsbottom.com/cgi-bin/jsr.cg...=/SM/SM_jsr.HTM i'm thinking of buying the sixth scope down since it is in my price range and i need a 3-9x40 scope. just wnated to know if any of the experienced airgunners on this site think this is a good decision cheers Aaron
  13. nice. stroke it abit and it'll be better than any beer....!
  14. going up to a nice sea bass spot in pembrookshire. st.davids in may
  15. they mst have out mines underneath them! iver that or a 2 gauge shotgun or something
  16. :laugh: i didnt even see the rabbit until it went flying into the air
  17. i'll spray paint an accupell gold if you want, for the winner and then another accupell silver and another bronze and the booby prize will be just a plain old accupell.
  18. nice fish raiderboy! sorry mark ive been a right tosser with the points sysytem. i'll Get it done now!
  19. look whos talking..... your the one with the name poacher!
  20. thats a dream to fish as hold away said. plenty of trout and grayling.
  21. i am going to thank everybody who also put effort into this competion and put up a picture or many pictures including: jeppi davyt63 (of course!) The Caretaker celticwar shooter08 buzzys410 aaronpigeonplucker(me!) pointer these are all the pepole who put in a picture i would also like us to all thank countryboyo for starting this inovative competion!
  22. thats if you could find any of it .... Jasper :laugh:
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