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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. maybe the heron was gunna try to eat one of your decoys. i have seen a heron eat loads of things. moles, rats, minks even saw it have a go at a black bird. there fiesty,.
  2. i just tried my BSA lightning xl without its scope (bearing in mind its got a scope rail, no open sights and the barrle is fully sleeved in a sound moderator) and could see how this could be useful for feral and rat shooting in close conditions (under 10 yards) i could hit a tin can really quickly and 4/5 times i hit it. am quite surprised.
  3. my cousin (9) whas complaining at me because she said it "was cruel to shoot the cute little innocent squirrels" as she was tucking into a beef burger so i said "what about that chopped up cow your eating" and she ran off crying and she told on me and i was told off. stupid little brat.....
  4. my family arent itreted in hunting at al and they say its "bad for me". this is the reasons i cant gert out hunting much. they only like it when they get to eat what i shoot.
  5. i thought the s200 whas a good gun and is what i'm saving up for?
  6. neither my dad or my mum do any form of hunting snaring dogging or anything, its just we have a big garden and my mum dose a lot of gardening and woodys were earting all the cabbage so i asked if i could start hunting and they said that i have to pay a third of the gun wich is roughly..... £125 so i saved for ages and got a BSA lightning xl wich i was chuffed cos i wa told there one of the best spring guns on the market and now i do all forms of hbunting and have basc membership.
  7. stick your finger iin the water and if you taste no salt then youv'e goe to far. you start to need a licsence when it stops being brackish.
  8. i think there are a lot of products designed to catch the shooter. although i have odered a JSR 3-9x40 flip up lens covers, sunshade on top thingy scope. it will replace my crap smk 4x40.
  9. got a used smk 4x40 scope going for £3 to anyonwe that wants it. it has a few small scratches on it but it works fine. i am trying to get rid of it as i am getting a JSR 3-9x40 scope.
  10. http://www.airgunforhunt.com/index.php?news_archives=6
  11. give head head case breif case breif chat hunting chat
  12. i've got a well used smk 4x40 scope going for free if any young hunter wants it. its got a few of scratches and it isent zeroed but it works. it comes with its box. its in the picture to the left
  13. nah, no worry about strength :showoff: i just needed to know the technique.
  15. anyway. i reaaly want soem speargun equipment! please!!!!
  16. i've had my hair cut now anyway shooter08!!!! tit really was bad heni tok the picture of the squirrel.
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