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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. and you don't understand i am really accurate with my lightning xl without the scope and open sights. anyway i've got a new scope now .
  2. and you don't understand i am really accurate with my lightning xl without the scope and open sights. anyway i've got a new scope now .
  3. there are 2 articles on the main site of THL on shooting ducks with airguns so it looks as if it is the accsepted thing to do.
  4. the reason i'm trying a different pellet is because 1. i've gort a new scope so it dosent really matter because its not zeroed for any pellet yet 2. my pocket money only allows me to buy superdomes!
  5. Been there mate.I dont just fall on my ass.I mostly fall flat on my face. :sick: atb catcher Funny you should say that Catcher reminds of a time when I was lamping with some folk who will remain nameless. Anyway we went into this field and after a few steps a certain person disappeared up to his ass in freezing cold ooze and mud....well it was Feb....we couldn't pull you out....erm I mean him out for laughing and he went in a mood cause we wouldn't go back to the car. Another weird thing that happend was that wee fawn bitch you always hated (Cass) was out and chased a hare right b
  6. i am going to buy some RWS superdomes to replace my old airarm fielsd diablo as superdomes are a lot cheaper. will superdomes be jsut as good as aa field pellets? thanks , Aaron
  7. http://www.jsramsbottom.com/cgi-bin/jsr.cg...=/SM/SM_jsr.HTM
  8. i ahve put 5 decoys facing in random directions and in no shape in my garden. i am thinking of atracting some pigeons down to my garden so i can take them with the air rifle. i have scatterd some corn aroud the decoys as well. is there anything i'm doing wrong or anything more i could be doing right?
  9. and i was more accturate without my scope than i wa with it as my scope was complely bust . i was jsut surprised by how accurate it was even without a scope.
  10. ok. but i hae a very large garden (more a sort of field) and i have a very big patch of cabbage wich the pigeons eat . would me shooting them be valid as protection for crops?
  11. why is all the dirt being dug on me?
  12. and the staement on shooting rats, i am sayin that if you shoot a rat in its back end then it most certainly won't die straight away and probebly won't immobalize it . if you shoot it in its font end the it will nearly always kill it quickly and if not then always immobelize it so you can run up and dispatch it as quickly as possible. and i was very accurate without a cope on my gun even thought it dosent have iron sigths. i could hit a 2" square 4/5 times at 10 yards
  13. that statement i made on shooting in your nback garden, why have you brught that up? i dont see anything wromg with shooting to protect crops!
  14. also give any scraps from the kitchen to them as well
  15. i dont have a rimmy or anyhting like that so i cant kill it.
  16. i've just seen a big dog fox in the duck run, fortunatly the ducks were still locked in there sleeping house. i am now very worried as what todo as i have never seen one this late in the morning. i have no means of killing it so i am afraid i may just have to move the problem by getting a live trap and move it to a natuer reserve near me where it can control the rabbit population for them there and not bother any poultry farmers. what do you think i should do?
  17. desert eagle semi auto ......bb gun first airgun: bsa lightning xl.
  18. theres nothing worng with shooting in your backgarden!!! pigeons are a major agricultural pest and need to be controlled everywhere, and magpies well i dont really have anyhting against magpies as they are regular visitors in my ggarnden and i styill have plenty of songbirsd
  19. rats are pretty easy to kill, as long as you get it in the front half of there body if this is a rat: <oooooooo>------ then anywere above the slash would kill it, if not immobelise it: <oo/oooo>------
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