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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. 1. whats your price range? 2. do you want spring or prehcharged?
  2. i am sure that giving my neighbour a rabbit or a squirrel from time to time is not a criminal offence. They gut it and skin it themselves so it is nothing to do with meat hygeine. so please stop trying to say that everything i do is against the law.
  3. i just shot a woody in a tree and saw it go down like a stone but nver found the body , im gutted. this nly my 2nd wood pigeon and would have been the first kill with my new scope if i found it. i think it must have landed in a big clump of brambles close to the tree. on the + side, my decoys are working well at atracting woodys to my shiitong range. Aaron.
  4. my lightnign did well with AA field diablo.
  5. 1. my neighbours are cool with me shooting. i even have a neighbour who i supply with game. 2. there is considerable damage to my crops wich i can prove is done by wood pigeons. 3.i am protecting my mums crops as she sells them to a organic resteraunt so wood pigeons are effecting on how much money she makes. HAPPY NOW? now can someone please tell me how to set my 5 decoys correctly for airgun shooting.
  6. what is the top gun? never seen a trigger gaurd like that before.
  7. i konw head and neck shots will kill a pigeon but apart from tht will an upper chest shot ill a pigeon every time?
  8. when i'm snaring i simply put my arm through all the snares. or use a satchel wich i can eaily take the snares out from.
  9. well my ducks are not safe unless i put them in with the chickens wich are in my very secure inclosure wich no fox has ever got into for 6 years!!!
  10. thank your for your guidance! its good that pepole like you are on this sight!

  11. well done! I was at a barbeque at a freinds and whas so suprised at how close the woodies came! the person i was at the barbeque with was veggie and even though her husband has a hw97k with an FAC ox spring in it she didnt let me shoot one of them for the BBQ! its a completly different story in my garden, you cant get within 30 yards of them before they fly away!
  12. look stop messin with me my view on foxes has changed, i just wanted to know if you know any ways if getting rid of it without a SGC or a FAC.
  13. i'd love to see a poacher get scared by one of those
  14. i am near no motoway and i am shooting undeer the terms of general licesnce as i am protecting crops in my garden (i call it a garden, its more of a field really). all i wanted to know is how to set my decoys!
  15. i heard from TimeLord that accuppels are one of the most dirty pellets and that they damage the rifelling of your gun ofer time.
  16. nice pics! what gun is that with the pigeon? never seen a gun with a trigger gaurd like that
  17. there arnt any poult farmers near me and know farmers i know own fire arms
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