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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. But did you place an order aaron????? :D ATB Michael :icon_eek:
  2. ive got one without a gas ram and it is light and the stock is superb. its accurate enough but i have to say its a little twangy. <its in the pic to the left
  3. just got a really WEIRD pm from a deleted member. its was titeled "just for fun" and there was a link to a canadian stight selling viagra......: anyone else had a pm like this?
  4. i got one as well, and i'm 13!!!!! dont need viagra yet....
  5. love the song kay!!!

  6. i just wanted to know if there are going to be any beating or picking up opertuinties in south wales when then season starts. please PM me if therer are, thanks, Aaron.
  7. well i had four doggys and 5 little whiting so it was a good days fishing. sorry no pics!
  8. thanks sterry, i was thinking of binning it. and whever its zeroed or not i dosent make a difference does it? each gun and pellet behaves diferently and anyway, when your mounting it its bound to put it a little out of zero?
  9. who went and killed the eagle owl!?
  10. thats a very old gun, my freind has an old rusted one. is it quite light?
  11. a shooting stick is easy to make. its basically two strong sticks lashe to gether in a v shape and you rest ylour barrel in between them, likethis http://www.predatorsniperstyx.com/catalog/images/prone.jpg
  12. do bipods, rests and tripods work atall with spring guns? i normally rest my gun on a pillow with a realtree pillow case (dont know where i got it!!) its really good but a hassle to carry around.
  13. you tried to make a thread once, it was terrible.
  14. well i'm going off sea fishing today so wish me luck! i am going to a beach called southerndown near me, i am expecting mainly doggys and ray but hopefully i'll get a flattie or a bass for tea! i'll post my results in the evening. Aaron p.s anyone been fishing on southerndown beach in wales?
  15. ferox trout dont get big by eating little flies! try a deadbait trout trawled much the smae way you would trawl lures!
  16. yep fish guts is the best IMO! butn chicken carcasses andscrap bits of meat will also work. never heard of catfood being used though,.
  17. sorry mate young hunters only! i can sell it t you for £3 quid though.
  18. i am not saying your wrong, but neck shots will kill a rabbit to so a little bigger than a polo mint me'thinks. take a look at this: http://www.airgun-hunting.co.uk/ look below the 'rabbit' bit in 'quarry'
  19. dont worry its not sold aparently!!! its quite fuzzy though and is not a clear pic but it will do the job!
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