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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. i caught one in a pro victor this mornig and it must have been pregnant cos it was really fat and about 12 inches long from head to tail. and i have seen bigger ones around rubbish bins. so whats your biggest? Aaron
  2. they dont come in until may at the earliest. best time to catch em around pembs and st davids is around june/july
  3. eat everything but rats, wich are hawk food.
  4. ive got a job and i'm 13 i get paid to teach kids how to fly cast at a fishery on the weekends
  5. as dytkos said yur local trout fishery can sort you out. although i wouldent start salmon fishing straight off as it can be very hard and frustrating. they for evry 1000 casts you do you might get a salmon if your lucky. but then it depends on wether your river gets a very large run of salmon every year like the tweed and the spey or, like my river. it has a run of say 300 fish at the most.
  6. just wanted to know how to create a poll when putting up a post. thanks, Aaron
  7. the biggest carp there was caught on a worm bait. sweetcorn works well too.
  8. the full barrel moderator on my ligtning is loose and i think this causingme too spray pellets over a 3 inch square. it is only thery sligtly loose as if you try and twistit it moves a little bit. any advice on what i can do? Aaron
  9. wow! was that all in one hight or over the course of 3 days or somethin?
  10. gets rat in there too eat them up. then get some snakes in to eat the rats up. then get some ferrets in to clear the snakes up. then get.....
  11. st daivds has got loads of good bass spots. carfai bay is unkown but has really good bass fishing off the rocks with peeler and rag dropped no more than 20 yards out. adn good bass fly fishing there too. lawrenny estuary is really good for bass fishing with poppers.
  12. 9.3 is a tad on the low side for a 35 yard shot. I would get that sorted, because you are in the realms of the ratcatcher with that. That and at 9.3 ft/lbs that pellet has a trajectory of a golf ball. ATB Michael right, get out the clubs i've thought of a new way of hunting rabbits!
  13. very nice! my mate bough a pair of soviet night vision goggles from an old army antique shop. they wher amazing! it was like your looking throught the eyes of a werewolf on a horror movie.
  14. you could make curries for the whole of THL with all those"!
  15. i nodded off quite recently and was asleep for about half an hour! when i woke up i realised what had happened i got up and a bunny ten yards away from me nearly jumped out of his skin and bolted off!
  16. using a high seat could be good for other types of shooting as well. i can see it as a good rabbiting tool.
  17. he knows that both rooks and crows are legal to shoot under the general licesnse so it dosent matter if he cant tell the difference between the 2. if it was somethiong like he couldent tell the difference between ferals and stock doves it would be a little more serious.
  18. mine was a link to a canadian viagra site....... i bet all you old fogeys are jelous now!!
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