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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. maybe you should hang the pheasents higher up! and i would only hang my pheaseis for 3 days because i thank thats all they need. and pups will be pups
  2. this is the deal i've been waiting for because its in my area. but i just don't have enough money yet im on about £150 becaus ei spent a lot of it on a brand new realtree ghillie suit and it'll take me another 3 months to get back up to that price! . never mind, i'm sure another deal like this will come up at some time.
  3. those rabbits are mangled!! for pest control its fine but if you wanted to eat rabbits then i think you should stick with 22lr!
  4. i have made a few flying C's in my time but would really like to get into making my own plugs out of wood.
  5. i put up a topic on this and i have now found a couple of decoys with bread and maize scatterd around them works well at atracting pigeons. and once you've shot a pigeon don't retrieve it as the body will atract magies and crows
  6. nice lure! i tie my own flies during trout and grayling close season.
  7. i fast forwaded through it the first time to see the end i watched again and your right! the sparrow hawk flaps over to the pond. very clever bird.
  8. nice camo! you planning to go shooting on a beach?
  9. very good! 55 yards, that was a very good shot!
  10. The Newport Wildfowlers Young Shots Day takes place on Saturday May 30 at Park Farm near Cwmbran. I think they offer a chance to try shotguns, air rifles and muzzle loaders. i'll be there and any other young shots on this site can come along to as its free! there'l also be a ferreting display i think. see you there! Aaron
  11. feed them on bread for the time being but phone up (and i hate to say this) the RSPCA and they will know what to do. aaron
  12. i think the hawk might have done it buy acsident to be honest. the magpie (being about the same size as a sparrow hawk) flapped its way over there and they landed in the pond.
  13. i need 2 good quality lobster/crab pots. where can i get them from or how do i make them? thanks Aaron
  14. i have a jsr 3-x9x40 and they are excelent scopes i got mine for £30. just cannot fault them. buy one http://www.jsramsbottom.com/cgi-bin/jsr.cg...=/SM/SM_jsr.HTM I GOT THE 6TH ONE DOWN AND THEY ARE VERY GOOD!
  15. i used a 4x40 scope for a long time but a 3-9x40 scope is far better. i got mine for 30£. so much better than the lower mags.
  16. on one of the crow shots it stood up on the ground a bit before it finally ceeled over.
  17. i read an article in shooting and conseration magazone and it said that pcp's are more accurate than springers and therefore you can shoot further and still expect consistenrt accuracy. is this true? the article was called springers .v. precharged
  18. i have only ever fired springers and i think that springers make a more challenging hunt because there louder (although not much louder than PCP's) and less accurate because of the recoil. if you want to do proffesianol pest control where your going to get big bags then get a pcp. if you want the odd mooch around popping a few woodys, bunnys or vermin then get a springer.
  19. thanks mike but its too far away from me. it has to be in south wales at least
  20. i got a 3-9x40 jsr scope. it was great value, only 30 quid! very good value for money.
  21. has litts got an anygood kids cammo selection? all three gunshops in bike distace from mehave got hardly anything in them.
  22. do bipods work with spring guns?
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