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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. has anyone ever heard of AWT gas rams? are they just as good as theoben gas rams? i am getting one fitted after buing one off angelicacid on here (cheers btw! ). thanks, Aaron
  2. wow! nice hares. i got a lightnign xl wich is exactly the sme as your except different stock and larger sound moderator. i am getting a awt gas ram fitted in mine.
  3. i have a bsa gun with nikko stirling 4x40 scopes they are both quite old but i still like the way they work and im happy with what ive got and from target shooting ive done i think im quite a good shot but do understand it will be more tricky goin after living moving stuff but carnt wait to try! at whatdistane can you hit within a 1 inch circle? do you know what bsa model you have?
  4. aint got a pic (apart fom the one in my avatar) bsa lightning xl .22 with leapers 3-9x40 scope. am saivng up for an air arms s400. lightning xl is a very handy little gun, easy to cock, well balanced and i am going to fit it with a awt gas ram. shoot like a dram, even if it isent he most accurate gun in the world.
  5. i'm going up on a kayak fishing trip to pembs this half term and i hope that the weather is nice well i am there.
  6. < in my avatar pic lightning xl and you can see that it can take down rabbits. nice gun, very balanced and manouveable.
  7. i gota good one, if you leave a laser sight in your barrel and fire your barrel will go all banana peeled back like this: http://postworthy.com/contributorimages/rifle-peeled-1.jpg and that wanking will increase your growth rate, it dont work im still four foot nine
  8. its only what nature intended tthem to do but there numbers are out of control in my area so i shoot them reguarly.
  9. if you need any advice on air rifle hunting, then give me a buzz! ;)

  10. as soon as you get your perrmission wich (you being 23 years old, hardly young compared to me!) should be quite quickly then before you even think about going after wild quarry make sure your accuracy is spot on and that your sights are zeroed. what gun and scope have you got?
  11. did you wash them all in the lynx first to make them smell nice
  12. a lightning will be about or 200 quid. i would go for a hw90 or hw80 if you cannot afford a lightning
  13. ????????? good shooting ron, good luck for tonight.
  14. the reason you caught a sparrow whas that you did not put a cover over your trap. you will catch birds in your trap if you do not cover it up. a large pipe cut in half will do the trick, or simply a large sheat of coratgated iron put over your trap like an upside down 'V'. however you do it it's important that the rat can get in and the trap can go off. here this will give you some ideas: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/html/section...r-rat-trap.html
  15. http://www.wyresidelakes.co.uk/content/view/17/42/
  16. hey, theres someone younger than me on the site! if you are 12 then you cannot get an FAC so therefore you cannot hunt boar with a rifle. however your dad will be able to. my post dosent really have any useful boar hunting info so uhhh, sorry. sometime on the hunting life there are just no ansewrs to a question and we will always try our best. even if it is litterd with a bit of childish banter
  17. stich with the s200, its a good gunj and a very nice stock!
  18. none opf them were knocked and when i was walking up rabbits scattered everywhere aroud where i put my snares. the graqss is very short and there are no real runs, just places that you can see like partings in the hedge and that.
  19. i thought of that but i have only got a cheap rubber catty wich is not powerful enough to kill rabbits. and i didnt get a single one wich is strange cause i was setting them right in the middle of the beat and 6 1/2 inches off the ground and i saw loads of rabbits round there when i went up. do you think it would be worth inveting in a black widow catty?
  20. nice pics! keep em' coming. and are you talking about the wood pigeon or the seed when you say mmm tasty as woodys are the best bird there are to eat in my opinion. yous hould have shot the woodpigeon with a gun, not a camera
  21. i do have an army bas very near so i'll get him to ring them up. cheers!
  22. it's an air arms s410 i think?
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