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Everything posted by aaronpigeonplucker

  1. well i have done a few polls to find out which gun to buy, first with s200 and ultra and now with these two. the s400 is is only fractionaly more than s200 so that price is pretty much equal. one important factor is that the s400 ilooks lioke quite a big gun. thanks, Aaron
  2. soz mate, don't have a car (13 ) we could make a h.f.t for all s. wales hunters though.
  3. i had an experience just the same as yours except my camera had run out of battery! gutting!
  4. anything on it damaged or broken?
  5. is it the plasticy thing around where your pellet goes in?
  6. well first i'm fitting a new spring on my gun and the s200 is 350 and the s410 is 520 pound so it is quite a bit more.
  7. i know i shoot too much but i am constantly trying to achieve my best accuracy possible! i'm trying to get a s200 asap. still dont have enough cash. i nedd to sell my gun and earn 175 pounds more to get an s200
  8. hi, i have dry fired my gun about 12 times since i got it (simply out of lack of concentration when putting the pellet in and it splipping out when i'm closing the barrel) nd i just wanted to know how bad it is for the gun. thanks, Aaron
  9. i need a ew spring as my gun is doing 8 ftib and i have had my gun since xmas! (mind you i have been using it 7 days a weekgetting through a tin of 500 pelets every 3 weeks on average!) i wouldent put anything but a pellet down the barrel of your gun mate.
  10. you've got 1000 pound to spend! you could pick any airgun in the world! if you have got diving bottles with you then i seriously wouldnot matter about the hassle of filling them up. as scuba said you have more than 50 shots per fill and thats a lot of rabbits. also you do know you can't just buy a gun and start blasting away at bnnys. you need a set of opticts (scope) and a lot of practise.
  11. i have an xl and have trid the 95 and i perefer the 95 to my xl. its probably just because i'm more used to the xl than 95 but i stillthink the xl is a worthwhile gun. yes the recoil is bad, yes its not as accurate as the 95. but if you really want no recoil and good accuracy then go for a cheap pcp. the only thing i can comment about the xl is that its a a nice gun to handle in my opinion and fits me well. i'm trying to sell mine (as you can sea below) and buy a AA s200 anyway
  12. when getting a bipod, harris bipods are the best qality but i have there is a chinease company which is jus as good yet half the price.
  13. well with the coarse season up and running on the rivers now i thought i better do some trotting. fixed spools arefine but on a newly aquired stretch of my local river its quite slow so i am after a centerpin. i dont care wehter its old or modern, used or new as long as it works fine i'm happy to buy it as long as it is cheap. ATB Aaron.
  14. c'mon. knowbody ahs any knowledg about archery? i didnt know which section to put this in but since there was a corssbow psot in this setcion i thuoght it was the palce to go.
  15. good shooting! a lot of meat on that rabbit. what gun do you have>?
  16. hi all, after trying some archery at one of those fun days (and hitting all 3 baloons i might add ) i was thinking of buying a compound bow formy size (50" bow i think) can anyone reccomend a good bow for 13 year olds? i was thinking of buying this package http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Woodland-HunterJunio...%3A1%7C294%3A50 . it has to be under £50. ATB Aaron p.s its not going to be used for hunitng, only target practice, so dont get your knickers in a twist
  17. don't poach mate. i live in an area where all the land is owned by horseys who have more rabbits than you can shake a stick at, and they don't care at all. some of them even protect the rabbits on there land, and not let me shoot on it! any farmer growing crops will want them protected. just keep knocking on those doors.
  18. same problem as raider teen ( ) i'm in south wales.
  19. worms and sweetcorn are the best IMO. never have failed for me. but nearly all the fishing i do now is fly fishing.
  20. there alright if your only using them for tagret shooting and plinking but hunting with them is illegal.
  21. Just dont tell her it was my idea, blame Aron the plucker :D :D
  22. thanks paddy, i'm very lucky in that i ahve a range at my local gunstor which lets try out the gun before you buy it, but you have to pay £5 to use it and you get 20 shots.
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