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Duck Down 98

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Everything posted by Duck Down 98

  1. SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! thanks i guess you received your boxes and collars,thanks for letting me no, i sent you a post mail but your inbox was full, not my fault mate
  2. would this work with a mk3 box if so how much posted. i wouldnt no mike ive never used a mk 3, perhaps someone else will no mate.
  3. for sale is a mk 1 terrier locator collar! £30
  4. can any one please give me any advice on quickset longnets, im thinking of buying one but just wondered if anyones had any problems with them! cheers
  5. if your anywhere near poole in dorset then save your money i could lend you some fenn traps, i find companies charge a hell of alot of money for doing nothing as they will only lay poison and after a while if the rats are only consuming small amounts they can become imune to the poison, you should change poisons reguly with the rodents as there imune systems cant keep up with the toxins in them.
  6. how about using a locator to track the ferret! or just use traps or poison the little rodents
  7. hi in dorset theres plenty of wigeon,pintail a few tufteds and the normal teal and mallard, not a lot of geese about. have found for some reason that the birds have been using bits of the harbour they dont normally use in years past!
  8. hmm Factory Loads!! mr logic has hit the nail on the head with the wind but yeah you should be shooting half inch groups no problems!
  9. Sit him down,walk away a couple of feet facing him with the up command.If he moves an inch gently place him back on the spot and keep doing it so he gets the idea ,then slowly increase the distance do not move on till he gets the idea.If it takes weeks it takes weeks ..Just gradually increase the distance..Alternatavely walk the dog at heel up him again walk two steps reinforce up command.If he sits when you return loads of praise ...eventually the penny will drop.and you can introduce a little more distance.It is only natutral that he wants to be with you he just got in his head you aint goi
  10. Nice Rimmy mate not air but damn good shooting all the same cheers mate but i think it was more luck than anything
  11. oh ok rimfire rifle il get my words the right way round next time sorry, anyway hornady v-max 25g ballistics
  12. yeah its a rifle mate rather than a air rifle, im sure you could really hack the foxes off with your air rifle if you shot them in the right place
  13. Sit him down,walk away a couple of feet facing him with the up command.If he moves an inch gently place him back on the spot and keep doing it so he gets the idea ,then slowly increase the distance do not move on till he gets the idea.If it takes weeks it takes weeks ..Just gradually increase the distance..Alternatavely walk the dog at heel up him again walk two steps reinforce up command.If he sits when you return loads of praise ...eventually the penny will drop.and you can introduce a little more distance.It is only natutral that he wants to be with you he just got in his head you aint goi
  14. Can some one please help, Ive got a 7 month old black lab that im training up to be a gundog but im having a few issues with him, he walks to heel fine and he sits to the whistle and just a hand signal but the problem im having is he just wont stay , im not sure if anyone out there has any tips then im all ears please as im not sure what else i can try without having to go to training sessions, i have trained a springer and a chesapeake before so i have worked with dogs but im just having a few issues with this one, thanks for your time for reading this!!
  15. 2 cubs with 1 shot Sako .17HMR
  16. theres idiots like that everywhere mate, it actually classed as an armed threat i think well im sure you could turn it round a bit, but the police wont do nothing till he ctually does anything so basically thats useless because by that time he's shot your dog, i would pop round without the dog one day and give him a bit of a chat!!
  17. well said, we should never forget because most of the soldiers who died didnt have a choice, they went they fought and they died for our freedom so how can people disrespect them and not show thankfulness,,,,
  18. you stilll need a game licence, about 15quid from your post office to shoot pheasants
  19. springers are probably the best gundogs even though there absolutely mad! but i would only ever have labradors or chesapeakes!!
  20. sportsman gun centre mate yeovil, do you want me to pm the number
  21. i use either 30/32g 5's or 6's but im hearing alot of good things about eley h.b pigeons, 32g 6.5's. apparetly there a good cartridge all round and down my neck of the woods there only £41 for 250
  22. Brno .22, Classic, Reliable and Accurate
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