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Duck Down 98

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Everything posted by Duck Down 98

  1. No sorry people this is just a straight sale!
  2. for sale is a mk1 locator box £45
  3. was that ferret finder any good to you Mat,
  4. for sale is a 15'' mk i locator and collar £100 posted, please pm if your intrested, im in Poole,Dorset
  5. think its a night vision monocular or scope mate
  6. thats about right, you wouldnt purposely get a .17 for foxes there better for rabbits and virmin etc but just if a fox pops up it would have to have it!
  7. hope thats a typo pal, if not your living in dreamland. 200 yds no way. :wacko: imagine how far you could shoot them at with a 22-250 then As far as the lamp will show you, if you are a good shot unlike me just aswell i use a mini maglite
  8. hope thats a typo pal, if not your living in dreamland. 200 yds no way. :wacko: imagine how far you could shoot them at with a 22-250 then
  9. ive got one and shot foxes with it,havent had any probs! sako .17hmr, 2 cubs 1 shot
  10. do you mean game as in pheasants etc, or pigeons and virmin because you couldnt really turn up at a pheasant shoot with a semi and not get a few funny looks
  11. so what are we saying then! um shot placement is'nt a factor, all i was saying is a .243 will put a sika down first shot every time if you shoot it in the right place. If you need to use a 6.5 because its harder hitting then perhaps try shooting targets at the range untill you know where to shoot dear to kill them cleanly! 6.5's are a good calibre but all i was saying is that a .243 can safely kill a sika/red/roe whatever as long as you put the shot in the right place (shot placement)
  12. 243 will knock sika over all day long, thats all we mainly shoot down our way but remember with what ever calibre you get, its all about shot placement!
  13. You dont pay or offer to get Permission as your pest controlling free of charge, if all the farmers see this we'll all be screwed and have to pay for our ground!
  14. as far as i know and learnt at college, if the landowner has registerd the path as a conservtion area, the landowner can actually hold you to keeping the dog on the lead but this is not gospel im struggling to remember, How do i find out if it is registerd ? Cheers is the ground adjacent to any english nature/national trust/rspb/forestry commision etc, if it is contact them and see if it is a conservation area otherwise the council may even be able to help, you might find the keeper is just saying this though to keep dogs off of his birds, its his livelihood and puts money in his p
  15. have you ever had ferrets before, just start with a couple mate just get used to handling them working them and cleaning the cage/court out and then if you decide you want or need more you can progress from there!
  16. as far as i know and learnt at college, if the landowner has registerd the path as a conservtion area, the landowner can actually hold you to keeping the dog on the lead but this is not gospel im struggling to remember,
  17. hello mate i only keep and work jill's but thats my own preferance i have 1 hob in a seperate cage, i have 6 jills all together from 3 different familys and they live and work together just fine!
  18. i no when you come to trying to get a shotgun on a fac its normally only granted for uses such as virmin and pest control! its not really sporting purposes mate!
  19. to be honest thats what i thought but then i started thinking it may have just been our club rules, thats why i didnt post it,
  20. stick with a 3 shot there is absolutely no need for a 5 shot for shooting ducks on a pond, it would jut be slaughter rather than sport!
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