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Everything posted by merle24

  1. what it is mush i went out sunday and dogs where getting dragged round fen with good dogs there going strong the hxxr me pups are 25tts the bitch is 24tts 9mths old morow there fit i take them down beach every day they run round for 30min easy there fast what i was going to do was wait till summer hares then go on oul way throw i knackered a pup last yr 11mths old slipped in with old bitch he smashed it mate slipped him a gen with her same a gen week after slipped him single handed first 1smashed it second 1 smashed it then as i was running to him a hare got up he got to it twist bend a
  2. Speed wins races on a greyhound track mate,, thats about it,,,,,,, which kill most daytimes hares,, greyhounds or saluki hybrids . and what runs faster than a hare . The gear is shy here like you would not beleave,,, but a speed merchant hero dog will still miss more than a dog that runs them abit then ups gear to strike,,,i used think fast, fast, fast,,, most lads around here still do,,,, not anymore,, its all about the gears not the flat out speed,,,as with pure speed comes overshooting,,lostground,and lost game,, .
  3. was just wondering what bitch is in your avator pic? she looks a cracker She was a decent bitch I owned in the early 90's called Fly, by Deacon (pure saluki) to a Whisper Wishes greyhound bitch. Killed loads of hares in Ireland but would begin eating them if you didn't get to her sharpish. Never had her to the fens though. As I explained earlier, these two young lurchers were not sired by Khan but by his son Buster. There is no mystery. As far as bull blood is concerned it probably depends on percentages. Two of the games legendary performers, Salty and Sooner were reportedly b
  4. All depends on the ground your working big open fens there no need for bull put in a coursing dog but if your hunting small fields with gates fences hedges ditches rivers etc etc you need a bit maddest put in there to get thought or over this things. A touch not much just touch bull or wheaten well take away the nerves off the saulk. Some thing like 1/2 saulk 1/4 bull or wheaten 1/4 grey can make handy coursing dog What a crock of poo,,, salukis are probably the best jumpers around if trained to do so,,, and thats what the problem is,, too many lads just slap them on a hare on big open
  5. ,, Brains,, or anticipation in a dog does not mean lack of preydrive at all,,the brainiest dogs will hit cover when they know its worth it,, depends how big the gap was at the time.
  6. dont take this the wrong way but have you ever had a bullx or even a dog that would die to please you??sounds like you are making excuses why your dog dosnt want to give 100%.now i have had both nd i know, so come on.would you run your dog with brains for money on lamp against a dog that would take them in cover?now thats not a challange its just a question? Lol,, yeah had a bullx,, mates got one too, a few folk around here have them, seen a good few run lol,,,,,not just bull x all or nothing dogs,,whippet whippetgreys,, some lurchers with alot of fire,,, some have too much fire for th
  7. so what your saying is your dogs will hit cover in the day ...but not on the lamp ??????????????? did you train these traits in to your dogs or was it bred in Well yeah my old bitch will go into cover or through cover after stuff in the day,,, but when lamping she will not dive into deep cover for things or go through run openings in hedges which have escaped the beam,, but then i do more lamping these days than day work. If you do more daywork and the odd bit of lamping then obviously alot of dogs will still go into cover at night on the beam,, untill they click that they are los
  8. TIME SHALL TELL MACCA like the look of that hows it bred? SALUKI/BULL/GREYHOUND. HAVENT FORGOTTEN THAT INFO, BUT MY NEW EPSON SCANNER HAS DECIDED 2 ONLY RECOGNISE A4 SCANS?.,BE IN TOUCH looking good mate Just a question hope you dont mind,, but why would you want to put bull blood into a coursing dog,,?,, for an allround animal yeah i can see the advantages of a tad of bull blood, but not for a coursing animal, surely it will hinden turning ability and wind ?,,
  9. Dogs with brain still like killing things,, they just dont get smashed up or knocked p doing it,,,,,,,, answer this,,, out of all the straight bull x greys is it not a strangley coincidental that a good percentage are layed up injred or knocked up half there working life,, ,,, theres prey drive , then theres plain stupid,,,,,,,,,, Brain does not equal lack of balls. so while the dog with a brain may miss them in the hedge they'll still catch more over a season while that hedge hitter is lame! Any clued up dog will pressure quarry at a hegde or anywhere else where the dog knows the
  10. Good luck because if your working that type or dog regular it wont last long,,, if it does then it aint doing much. A dog with nothng but speed and drive will be injury prone and a liability, and lack wind,, see it time after time.
  11. Dogs with brain still like killing things,, they just dont get smashed up or knocked p doing it,,,,,,,, answer this,,, out of all the straight bull x greys is it not a strangley coincidental that a good percentage are layed up injred or knocked up half there working life,, ,,, theres prey drive , then theres plain stupid,,,,,,,,,, Brain does not equal lack of balls.
  12. Very strange man !

  13. :blink: :wallbash: joke,,, ,,,,,,,, .
  14. Sorry, Forgot apperance affects Performance. Only messin fella,, if it does the job you ask it then thats all that matters. .
  15. looks like a rat on stilts :laugh: .
  16. lamping zebra in chester zoo tonight.


  18. Yeap,, ,,, i would go back and confront him about his super snake diagnosis. I have been the vets before and was amazed at the amount of bullshit they come out with to try and get your cash,, thing is loads swallow it,,, twats imo.
  19. Exactualy,,, ,,, vets will tell you anything to charge you for meds and more time,,,, half the time it is just a guess,, they aint gonna tell you,, ermm well sir i dont know what the problem is,, they will make one and give you a nice bill.
  20. What a crock of shite,, what little i could understand is that you went around shining through gate holes lamping hares,, ,, brilliant mate .
  21. Thats the thing mate,, about a 1/4,,, isnt sure enough,,if he was a 1/4 for certain then it would be 1/8 saluki pups,, but as the dam would be the bullx the breeding might go more that way,,, some say the dams slightly on the dominante side some will dissagree,,, but put it this way if i was after a 1st cross collie grey i would use a collie sire and a greyhound dam,, not the other way around. many will dissagree. So it makes sense to me that if i wanted more wind i would use the salukigrey as the dam,,, if i wanted more fast pace up at em type i would use a 5/8 grey 3/8 bull as the dam an
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