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Everything posted by merle24

  1. Nice bag that mate, you must have some grand dogs there fella, there must be alot of quarry around your way they will have to breed like billio if they dont wanna get wiped out lol. due to the amount of stuff your dogs have caught, just wondering if theyve got clued up on the lamp, not running certain rabbits near hedges or cover as they know where theyre gonna go, or do they run anything they see still ?, nice post keep em comming.
  2. crackers they are pete well done mate just going post some pics of our mornibg on the river dane this morning Cheers mate
  3. Hi there, QUALITY CARP BAIT available, this is my own basemix recipe tried and tested on some really hard waters around cheshire, there is 15 different FRESH powdered ingredients in this mix all at spercific levels, it is an balanced allyear-round mix containing fishmeals, Birdfoods and milk proteins and also includes liquid foods, low flavour levels and essential oils, all in all you can use this bait 365 days a year with confidence. this bait is a food source bait and long term use will produce exellent results, but its also an instant working bait due to its natural attractors,FRESHLY ROLLE
  4. Not sure, I must be cheating by using a longnet or some method other than a Saluki, lol. Thanks for the comments lads. Or maybe the other two dogs in the right of the picture had something to do with it,
  5. asking a bit much there mate my local tackle shop makes his own at 6 squid a kg and its top notch put the lady on the bank 50+ your charging more than mainline!!!!!! ill say i can get my hands on just about any bait bar b5 for around a £5 er a key delivered ok lads good to hear your happy with your bait, i dont think iam charging more than mainline mate as its £10 a kilo rolled in the shops i think youll find, and if you can get any bait at £5 a kilo rolled and delivered then you either have some very good internal contacts or the bait your getting has been cut down or bulked ou
  6. Hi there, QUALITY CARP BAIT available, this is my own basemix recipe tried and tested on some really hard waters around cheshire, there is 15 different FRESH powdered ingredients in this mix all at spercific levels, it is an balanced allyear-round mix containing fishmeals, Birdfoods and milk proteins and also includes liquid foods, low flavour levels and essential oils, all in all you can use this bait 365 days a year with confidence. this bait is a food source bait and long term use will produce exellent results, but its also an instant working bait due to its natural attractors,FRESHLY ROLLE
  7. Oh no here we go again, let me think eeehhhhh a whippet
  8. Well said mate, bit of a no brainer really funny the reaction is caused though Look at you......jumping on the band wagon........ Perhap you ought to read the post properly, before climbing up Ooty's arse. You have completely missed the question and gone into 'brown nosing mode ' - I wasn't asking which was faster because I didnt fecking know - I was trying to prove a point to a mate. Congratulations on winning the 'licky licky brown tounge award for this week' - Your prize.......you can be Ooty's bitch for the day......well done Lol dont make me laugh i a
  9. Well said mate, bit of a no brainer really funny the reaction is caused though
  10. i carnt beleave you actually still debating over this matter lol, but more importantly what are you trying to say are you trying to say that a saluki is faster ie, faster top speed than a greyhound, or that a saluki will piss all over a greyhound when cousing ? Because we all know greyhounds arent worth a shit when it comes to catching hares you only have to watch waterloo cup videos to know that, how many do you see get killed eerrrh not many they carnt fecking catch em thats why they have to use a point system for turns ect lol. if you swapped all them greyhounds for salukis then wouldnt be
  11. Hi there, QUALITY CARP BAIT available, this is my own basemix recipe tried and tested on some really hard waters around cheshire, there is 15 different FRESH powdered ingredients in this mix all at spercific levels, it is an balanced allyear-round mix containing fishmeals, Birdfoods and milk proteins and also includes liquid foods, low flavour levels and essential oils, all in all you can use this bait 365 days a year with confidence. this bait is a food source bait and long term use will produce exellent results, but its also an instant working bait due to its natural attractors,FRESHLY ROLLE
  12. Greyhounds are sprinters, Salukis are long distance runners everyone who has an interest in sighthounds and lurchers should know that, thats why they cross salukis with greyhounds so they get the best of both worlds speed and stamina, its pretty obvious who would win an off the mark sprint race over a short distance the greyhound, but the saluki would not be as far behind as some people think, they dont look like there traveling at a great speed due to the way they run, but they actually cover alot of ground with each stride, but as a out and out sprinter the greyhound will come out on top eve
  13. you will get there john keep at it keep keen and i know licences arnt as easy as when i was a lad my youngest who is 19 keeps failing her theory and she costs me a bloody fortune all the best and keep at em mark, southern fairys lol
  14. Looks like a giant rabbit mate.
  15. The biggest hares ive seen are the ones on my ass lol Seen some big ones around my end but the biggest seem to be up towards the hills around the marshy land or maybe its my eyes, ones ive caught (pre ban) seem to be roughly the same size give or take.
  16. lokks like wheaton greyhound x deerhound greyhound or something like that, maybe a dash of saluki in there too, who knows
  17. lol come on mate where the feccking picture mate are you for real.
  18. Leave it a month mate dont let her see a thing fur or fether, when you take the other dogs out leave her in let her whine and moan if she does just egnore her, when you come back just chuck the odd bunny in with her DEAD leave her with it, after a month or so take her out with another dog something steady but KEEP HER ON THE LEAD AT ALL TIMES dont let her off let her watch let her see the other dog running taking rabbits but DONT let her off, do this about four five times or untill she starts to show REAL interest pulling hard at the lead and whining yelping to be let off, when she gets to th
  19. Salukis or saluki greyhounds crosses brought on in the wright hands, the right way will catch hares anywhere in the country on all types of land, small fields, fences, hedges big open feilds anywhere. The countryside is one big feild just with obsticals in the way, bringing them on at a young age with a fast lurcher will give them early pace and gears if you like, a saluki left to run at its own devices will soon settle into a one pace dog, but dragging them on from young with a fast in dog that jumps and goes through hedges with no hesitation will sort that out, once you have seen a saluki cr
  20. that certain brian was definately well known............for bullshitting, but i'm glad you liked the storys.... :11: lol iam not into fairytales mate i just read books an broaden my mind about what iam into, of course things may get dramatised here and there but on the whole you carnt knock the guy he aint gonna right books with names of people he assosiated with and fill them full of bullshit mate, and his blood lines are still going, he hunted fox for the pelts to sell so he needed a dog to do the job quickly and cleanly with minimum damage to it, the collie grey did the job for him and
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