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Everything posted by merle24

  1. This is a very frustrating situation i come across it myself on a local 18 acre park lake that i fish, The thing is with weed carp love it, its full of natural food bloodworm and crawlers so they naturaly visit these areas for food on a regular basis. Also weed retains heat, so at night when the surrounding water tempreture is dropping at night, fish are therefore drawn to these warmer areas, it in effect acts like a radiator, try it for yourself cast into it at night and bring some in feel how warm you will be surprised. Now it all depends on the extent of the weed growth, if the weed is
  2. Well done on bagging your first carp mate, it seems like youve got the carp bug good and propper The best advice i can give you as regards fishing gear is to try and find someone who is getting rid of a full carp setup, you will get eveything you need it will save you the time and hassel of buying individual iteams and it is deffinetly the cheapest and quickest option to get you started, try this site you will have to register its free, and look under the for sale section, http://www.northwestcarp.co.uk/forums/ Also dont start out on a difficult low stocked venue as this will fru
  3. What breeding is the dog ? does it have collie or saluki in its breeding ? Sounds like youve gave the dog to much work at a young age and at the wrong time of year, to much cover about, dog misses to many to cover gets pissed, hes know a very clued up young dog. its funny that he will still run hares thou, thats why i ask about the breeding. alot of the time its the hares they jack on.
  4. Fecking hell someone hijaked your profile, i thought your posts were looking abit dojjy, well all i can say is that land has been ran and ran for years by lads all over but there is still a good few hares about if you look hard enough for them, there good hares on there, anyways tom gave me permission never had a run in on there yet, not into running off anyway mate.
  5. A few more pics added, of some of the more open land around our area theres some good hares on this land, which are regually exercised,
  6. Nice i like the black labs, good gun dogs,
  7. Few more pics, not sure how much bull is in him ?????
  8. cheers, bullgreyhound x colliegreyhound i was told mate
  9. Just thought i would share a few pics, went on a mooch today as the sun came out and softened off the surface frost. Not much about apart from one long eared bunny which the old bitch had a good go at but shes past it now at nearly 9, not that she was ever a hare dog lol, good to get out with the young one anyway, letting him find his legs and get used to the fences and barbed wire, hes comming on well had a couple of bunnies on the lamp the other night with him, he should be onit after christmas with any luck.
  10. 2 i reckon maybe three, resting one for the lamp or bigger stuff .
  11. 1 MOTOCYCLE. 2 JEEPS 6 DOGS, (not to mention the guns you probably) had why dont you take a appatchi helecopter next time then you defo wont miss it. crazy yanks.
  12. I know its a long shot but a couple of years ago i sold a salukixlurcher x salukigreyhound 10 months old grizzle in color, to a lad from Wrexham who i first met at a show in Peover, Cheshire. dogs name is jasper think it made 26inch tts last i heard, i lost contact with the new owner i would be very interested to see how the dog turned out and maybe to use to cover a bitch, not sure but think his name was phill not 100 percent, oh yeh and he drove green Isuzu 4x4 any info would be appreciated. p.s think he had dogs off foxy, joe lines.
  13. Yeh theres a few of them i think, merdock is one of his mates, he drives a big black van with a red stripe down the sides and a spolier on the back, Hannibal is another one of his handy friends he is a brilliant tactician and a master of disguise, distinguished by his cigar smoking, T is a big guy you carnt miss him he wears alot of gold He is a skilled fighter and is easily roused to anger, earning him the nickname "Bad Attitude". Despite his reputed attitude, he is a nice guy at heart. He has a special fondness for children and, being a teetotaller, he never drinks alcohol, preferring milk i
  14. Agree that they might need boarding at the baclk for the colder months, but not all dogs chew the feck out of there runs do they, nothing wrong with them padlocks they will make it harder for unwanted dog theives to get at your dogs, but if someone wants something bad enough they will get it, block built kennels are ok but they arent so easy to move or adjust once built, with a back board for this cold weather that setup looks fine mate.
  15. With a hose pipe or a bucket of water i would have thought (and some bletch). oh yeh and give your dog a bone.
  16. Errrrrrrrrrrr.............. deerhound maybe
  17. Sounds a good read, will have to get a copy sometime, just wondering if joe ox is still working on the mark brick novel, BRICKING IT
  18. Just a question ...how do you become the best and never be heard of????????????? LOL because you dont shout it from the rooftops thats how, you stay in the background doing what you do best and love doing, and let the wannabes scramble for the ladder. It really is a sad thing that Mark has to somehow prove to everyone that he has good dogs, why carnt he just get on with what he does and enjoy it.
  19. Oh well MARKBRICK is at it again, trying to get recognized in anyway possible, if he wants to start his own strain of lurcher's off so why not start from scratch like any proper dog man with half a brain would. No not mark, why try to take credit for someone Else's strain even add on to the original name, Minshaw Brickshaw, is he taking the piss or something is he for real, lets see, Mark bigs his dog up yeah, he works them hard as he says, they catch the hardest rabbits in the land on the hardest roughest ground in the land where numerous others have failed, now if i remember rightly his dogs
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