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Everything posted by merle24

  1. Hi there i have none at the moment i usualy convert for people,, the lamp you sent link to are pretty poor in performance,, its the lense you pay for on the lightforce lamps,, they have very very good lenses,, unlike the cheaper copied versions. atb.

  2. Yes fella, saw one the other day, the little timid rough bitch,, shes vey fine and lightning fast will be a good little rabbiting bitch, she aint so timid now lol,, think shes had a few daytime rabs, the guys using her for ferreting and daytime mooching with spaniel.
  3. hello merle.hows your pup coming on.just got in after a quick shine.bess had 2.second one was at least 200 yard retrieve..not a mark on it.she is coming on really well just doing a couple a week.her tally is 7 now.atb.mat Hey Matt hows it going,, glad to hear your pups comming on mate great stuff,,, mines a bit of a slow starter mate her mother was, just taking my time with her, but all will come good in the end,,just trying pick the runs to get some kills now the covers comming down,, atb merle24.
  4. Cars and bikes dont twist turn a jink like rabbits,, just because a dog can go miles in a straight line on level ground doesnt mean it is fit to lamp on uneven feilds. As long as they are not stupidly out of condition.. bulk them up slighty so they fleshed out a bit more than normal,, then run them fit on the lamp, tune in the speed, turning and brakes, plenty of good grub after, will soon be in the zone,, and make a road runner look silly in the feild.
  5. like i say wait for the green rabs to disapear then when the season proper and wil sort out a shine, i run my own dog noone elses.

  6. lampshy rabbits in early september,, the start of the season for some and the end for others.

  7. Like i said see you soon silly boy !

  8. The dogs shit, seen it on lamp miss after miss after miss,, its killed about 5 rabbits out of 200 hundered slips, dogs been ruined by a muppet whos ran it into the ground caue he wont listern to advice apart from off people who say what he wants to hear.
  9. Competley agree mate,, people who lamp and hunt all through the summer relly piss me off,, they tend to be the people with shit dogs that carnt catch f**k all in winter because there dogs are used to running easy quarry,, when they get behind the proper gear they aint got the minerals,, Its ok to go out now and then in summer to get some easy kills for a pup or young dog youre bringing on, and maybe the odd hour with the older dog to let some steam off on a very rare occasion,, but thats about it,, and even when bringing on a pup i try not to give them too much summer stuff
  10. Another silly question,,,, how silly to say you would like this dog or that dog in youre pen just by the looks of the dog,, looks dont mean jack shit,, you need to see the dogs run,,just because they look the part doesnt mean there any good whatsoever,, i seen nice looking animals which are not worth a shite once you see them at the job,,, and scruffy looking muts that are shit hot at the job,, proper dog men dont stand in a show ring and chat shit at a dogshow,, they dont associate with all the story tellin piss heads talking fast dogs. its all bollocks.
  11. Is looking at all the summer hunters status, sites full of em.

  12. Wind and brain and good feet,,drive to carry on when alot of dogs will stash it,,oh yeh and agility,, no good for chavs who wear adidas trainers and hoodys thou, as they dont have the brain to enter or get the best out of a saluki blooded animal,,,,,,only for big opens lol, my arse,, the country is one big feild if your animal can jump and go through hedges fences and dykes,,it means nothing to a good hunting dog.
  13. Every time i see a post from him you just know its a bull x slag, a rabbiter talking about his experiances with game dogs. You and Bosum or whoever should go and follow the rest of the sheep in the lurcher world with youre bully handbags,, you can mention anyother cross, but not the bull x haha just shows,, nothing wrong with this cross at all my own dog has bull in him,, take a look around you and have a look how long they stay good at the job compared to a well line bred lurcher,, i dont run quarry that bites back very oftern , but i know lads that do both kind,,and they have 2 and a
  14. Every time i see a post from him you just know its a bull x slag, a rabbiter talking about his experiances with game dogs. You and Bosum or whoever should go and follow the rest of the sheep in the lurcher world with youre bully handbags,, you can mention anyother cross, but not the bull x haha just shows,, nothing wrong with this cross at all my own dog has bull in him,, take a look around you and have a look how long they stay good at the job compared to a well line bred lurcher,, i dont run quarry that bites back very oftern , but i know lads that do both kind,,and they have 2 and a
  15. Alot of people seem to think that dogs are just 4 legged machines, that either do a job or dont,, they oftern get rid of dogs o the first whim before they have had chance to show there colours,, and then later find out that the dog came good,,, If youre talking rabbits and or hare coursing, it pretty obvious in there first season if they have what it takes to be good at the job,, they will then only get better ( to a cartain age lol),,, I no expert at hunting stuff which bite back, and other bigger quarry but i know of a good few dogs that have not took to bigger stuff untill they were 2 or 3
  16. Hi there Brain did you get my pm mate ?

  17. If youre looking for bull blood then you want Irish bull blood,,, not this piss weak crap the kc have got hold of over her,,, far stronger more athletic higher drive bull types of the Irish sort,, i aint a bull x fan but if i wanted a dog for that kind of thing, i wouldnt use the shite over here.<BR><BR><BR>
  18. Glad to hear pups doing good,,, i have a different number now matey,, i will send it to you via pm, on here if you empty youre inbox lol.

  19. Dog thinks hes top of pack.,, ignore him.
  20. Too much much bull for me,, but all the best mate.
  21. Looks a handy little dog mate,, is it whiipet/grey to beddy ?,, atb.
  22. like i said but it got deleted,, its rigged.
  23. His name on here is "dog".... also the thread had been up on here for a week so why pull it now . This was a genuine sale. mods rarely sit on the computer scanning every new post, hundreds get posted daily, so theres always a few that slip through the net, it maybe got pointed out by another member using the "REPORT" button as advised, get his name number and post under his own name, saves breaking rules, at least whoever deleated it, did'nt increase your warning level for posting it Ive seen loads of posts on here saying "selling for a mate who hasnt got computer access" w
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