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Everything posted by merle24

  1. i didnt comment to crobinc840 You asking me if I work my dogs? No What a tool .
  2. Looks a nice pup,, any Beddi in there by chance ,,,, take there dew claws off next time . You edited Jack.
  3. No thanks, I made a phonecall today and dont like what I hear about you!!! Ha ha An your not upset?? For F*CK SAKE whats the matter with some people. . You must be blind or pissed if you dont think they look alike already,,, ,,, rose tinted .
  4. That pup is the clone of that rambo in the face,, as close as you could ever get its danmed on identical,, and by the looks of it its thrown a very simular strong build,, ,,look at the colour of its coat aswel !
  5. , Best way to be that fella,,, so many knobheads in this game, so many dreamers messers and bullshites its untrue.
  6. The ones you dont see on the internet spouting how good there dogs are.
  7. Pups looking good fella,, and like you say it is alot like the old old stuff in face its a clone.
  8. f**k me, there must be some game down your end was it billy.m bitch cora you on bout mate? With game about like that, half decent dogs would get a good name,,, sorry but all this big bags names stuff etc its all a bit of bollocks if ya ask me,, look at them hares man,, i bet they all been lamped on small rough land too,, fair doos the dogs look a good stamp and have bred to type from the looks of it and they game to grab big stuff,, but ya carnt say wonder blood,, its not the big bags its the quality of the hunt,, 10 kills on hard stuff that stretch a dog makes for a better animal t
  9. Arnt you lad who posts on stricktly daywalkers ?,, and every post and pic you put up are hares caught in the middle of summer on rough,, . Due to your lack of reply and the fact ive seen you viewing the thread i take it it is you,, thought so.
  10. Arnt you lad who posts on stricktly daywalkers ?,, and every post and pic you put up are hares caught in the middle of summer on rough,, .
  11. Cheers fella ,, wish this bloddy weather would clear ro get her out more,, all the snow has turned to ice around here now .
  12. Cheers,, Dam - deerhoundgreyxcolliegrey X beddi whippet grey,,,sire 5/8 grey 3/8 bull X 3/4 grey 1/4 collie.,,,shes thrown to her mother and grandfather but with bit more bulk.
  13. Pic of my young bitch i kept bak from litter i bred jst over year ago now,, promised a pic for Matt Morgan and Haywel, who have litter sisters,,, sorry about crap quality guys as my camera has bust so had to use the phone. Would be good to see pics of the litter sisters lads and how there comming on , all the best,.
  14. Any pics of the pups you kept back now mate ?
  15. Malamute x i think mate,, may aswell run a decent belgium sheperd dog. lol.
  16. Its funny how its the coldest November on record bt these guys think it the norm that they have to run there dogs on this ground . Flint.... you could earn some good money pulling the kiddies around in there sledges in the park with the old 90lb ice muching beast, . I bet you pray for snow so that it slows the game down enough for your dog to get anywhere near ,,,,,mushshshshshshshhhhhhh. .
  17. Exactually,, glad to see there are still people who talk sense,, theres nothing wrong with getting a pup a couple of easy runs , but some lads go out full bore all year around and wonder why theres nothing come season,,, take a look at the threads on here back in summer with pics of what theyve caught etc etc,, now take a look at there profile and see if they have posted any good bags since its come winter. . so are you bringin your super dog over to run with my piece of shit id like to see a top super dog run with mine Think youre the one claiming super dog pal running them in this,,
  18. They wont admit that mate,, they wouldnt swallow humble pie in the open,, let them rip the pads off there dogs and smash there toes and nails up, leave em too it they will learn the hard way sooner or later. i think what pisses you of the most is the fact that some people have dogs that can run in any conditon,and yours cant. Yeah sure dread,, just like S, H,, as just stated the dogs will run any conditions,,, ive ran my dogs in the wrong conditions in the past,, winter and summer and had to lay the dogs up,,ran a young bitch i bred on a sports pitch after rabbits on summers nigh
  19. They wont admit that mate,, they wouldnt swallow humble pie in the open,, let them rip the pads off there dogs and smash there toes and nails up, leave em too it they will learn the hard way sooner or later.
  20. Exactually,, glad to see there are still people who talk sense,, theres nothing wrong with getting a pup a couple of easy runs , but some lads go out full bore all year around and wonder why theres nothing come season,,, take a look at the threads on here back in summer with pics of what theyve caught etc etc,, now take a look at there profile and see if they have posted any good bags since its come winter. . so are you bringin your super dog over to run with my piece of shit id like to see a top super dog run with mine Think youre the one claiming super dog pal running them in this,,
  21. Exactually,, glad to see there are still people who talk sense,, theres nothing wrong with getting a pup a couple of easy runs , but some lads go out full bore all year around and wonder why theres nothing come season,,, take a look at the threads on here back in summer with pics of what theyve caught etc etc,, now take a look at there profile and see if they have posted any good bags since its come winter. .
  22. if we all thought like you we wouldnt go out the house How do you come to that conclusion Brains,,, is it hard frost every day here in uk or something,,,, youre really are a dumb ass,,, all the big men bragging they take there dogs out when the ground is like bell metal,, haha,, nothing clever or good about it what so ever, just shows there dogs arent worth a shite because they couldnt give a crap if there feet get smashed up,,, this site is full f bullshit bellends just latley,, anyone with half a brain cell wouldnt run there dog in such hard ground,,,, malc1 get youreself out at least 5
  23. if we all thought like you we wouldnt go out the house How do you come to that conclusion Brains,,, is it hard frost every day here in uk or something,,,, youre really are a dumb ass,,, all the big men bragging they take there dogs out when the ground is like bell metal,, haha,, nothing clever or good about it what so ever, just shows there dogs arent worth a shite because they couldnt give a crap if there feet get smashed up,,, this site is full f bullshit bellends just latley,, anyone with half a brain cell wouldnt run there dog in such hard ground,,,, malc1 get youreself out at least 5
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