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Everything posted by merle24

  1. I have a nice Webley and Scott longbow made in Birmingham .22 new custom air seals piston seal just fitted if interested.
  2. Alot of the tight feet thing comes off the racing....agreed if i wanted a straight line speedster i would want small tight light feet......however speed alone is no good in the feild in the real world...agility flexsbility and versatility are just as if not more important.....look at the most agile sighthound on earth the saluki..the narrower longer flatter feet and sloping pasterns !
  3. Common sense says the faster smash em up type and heavier the dog the more the feet will be tested...bull x are heavy and tend to be pretty quick up and at them they have in general poor agility compaired to other crosses such as collie x saluki x..... All adds up..a large percentage of bull x lurchers i have seen have broke toes..ones that are worked anyway there feet seem to get knocked up alot..there weight and running style deffo add to this fact for sure.
  4. As been mentioned good feet conformation doesnt alway equal good strong feet...feet can look good but be weak in structure..they cam also look not the best but be good and strong. No real black and white.. I would always preffer a dog with tighter feet as opposed to looser feet but theres no guarentees
  5. Have to agree..roadwork will not do much for them atall on this breeding..it may make a very slight differance..been there done that..my old dog duke had flat loose feet...got ribbed for it saying its feet were bad and the dog be no good..he was colliegrey bullgrey..he turned out a brilliant dog..stuck like glue to stuff killed those ones that were ment to get away..never broke a toe while i owned him but i didnt run him on much rough ground if i am honest. The dog did his job and did it well his feet didnt hinder him what so ever..turned out a very handy fox dog so i hear. However in my hon
  6. L.e.d is the way forward now there are single l.e.d chipsets putting out more lumens than a halogen ten times its wattage. For hunting i feel a dimmer switch id far more function than mode selection....l.e.d converted lightforces with dimmers would be nice.
  7. Will get a few pics up later if i can remember how lol...would like to know how others have been running off same litter and also the the other litter. Seems to have gone a silent.
  8. It aint a running dog so its feet dont count for shite.
  9. Let you know next season... Bitch off wheatenbullgrey x paddy is a nice stamp doing ok..taken well to lamp..very biddable jumping five bar gates with ease nice steady type of bitch..will get some pics up.
  10. Distance sprinter for coursing line..short sprinter to level a lurcher lurcher line out would be my thinking....i would keep two pups back..one that throws more sire one that throws to dam.
  11. so would you take the short sprinter over the distance sprinter
  12. 200 quid is less than price of well pred pup..like the says thou doesnt know exact stage bitch is in season.. I wouldnt go near a coursing bred greyhound simple becasue its not coursing reallyanymore is it not like it used be.
  13. Dam sighthound imo on first x .....
  14. If the dogs willing let it do its job,,cart always stamp em up.
  15. Its safe to say that some dogs are deffo wired up wrong and no matter what you aint going to change them.
  16. Its great to watch,you get to read the dog after a while it kind of wierd lol. My old bitch colliegreydeergrey x beddywhippet see left, was a great hunter in her closing years used to stay what distance you wanted her rmoved on hand signals a nice bit of work for the older lurcher thats seen alot and knows the differance when the lamp comes out. I would steer clear of it for dogs not yet but intended to work the lamp as bad traits will alot of the time become wired in.
  17. Nice pup mate good cross, i have 2 bitches more or less same way bred. One is very obedient the other is a pain in the arse lol.
  18. Ive got a bitch pup on now 4 months old shes bred 5/8 3/8th grey/bull Dam 24.5tts,, Full saluki sire 26tts will get pics up over weekend,, I think if this cross throws wright then in the wright hands i think they will take some beating as a allround animal buckets of vigour. 4 months old shes bred 5/8 3/8th grey/bull Dam 24.5tts,, Full saluki sire 26tts
  19. Why is it you lads over the pond,, call it a {race) instead of a course ? Cracks me up !
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