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Everything posted by MIKE

  1. Carreg the last couple of shows I went to last year didn't even have an entered class mate :sick:
  2. First cross Kelpie Greyhound
  3. Be patient and make sure you set the gun up properly then anything that gets in the way can f*****g look out
  4. Well after the disaster of loosing one of my jills last weekend the other jill has taken both litters on and is looking after them all here's a few pics of them ........... The last pic is of the adopted litter they are 3 weeks younger than the others but doing well
  5. That is a very good age had mates with russels that got to good ages but not heard of many lurchers getting really old ........... looks ok though for her age and at least she is still getting about eh mate
  6. I know what you mean all that sitting around shit ain't for me either just see what I can pick off as I wonder around with the mut
  7. MIKE


    Well so far the other jill has taken over and is nursing them really well i'm giving the older kits some meat to try and ease the burden for her but things are ok for the moment
  8. Only the 2 .......... well done fella been out today culling a few free range cockerels fuckers were uncatchable but the Rapid soon tamed them :ph34r:
  9. MIKE


    Yes mate there's three weeks between the two litters thats why i kept them apart but have had no choice but to put them together as they would die anyway speak soon
  10. Went down to feed the ferrets tonight only to find one of my jills (a cracking white jill )dead with her litter of kits still suckling from her I don't know what happened with her she was fine last night it looked like she was just lying down and feeding them but when she didn't get up I knew something wasn't right I'm gutted as she was a very good working jill I have put her litter of kits in with another jill and litter that I have but they are older and stronger so maybe will push them of the grub but I couldn't see any other option they were all fine a couple of hours later but time wil
  11. the one that got away there mate :whistle: ........... you can always borrow my gun if your in need mate nice to see she's looking well a bit like my little fella
  12. Wouldn't mind having a go at them geese your controlling mate
  13. To be honest I think if I hadn't had the Rapid then I would have probably only got the one maybe two .I have had a bit of a slow period since I got the Rapid but I suppose every gun needs to be used enough before you are familiar with it but I wouldn't swap it now it is very accurate and easy to shoot if you got a chance to buy one at a good price then go for it
  14. Went out tonight with the pup and rapid for an hours mooch , within 10 minutes found 4 squirrels in the same tree took the first one no probs he didn't even move off the tree after being hit . The second one didn't know what hit him but fell out of the tree and down onto the river bank, the third one was a bit spooked by now but I managed a clean shot and he fell stone dead straight into the f*****g river :realmad: Fourth one had legged it by now so I went down the bank to retrieve my ferret food only to find f**k all there looked up and the first one I shot was still in the tree so I t
  15. Get one I had one a few years ago mate so my new gun is a bit more upmarket and a lot lighter me being only a little fella I can't be lugging these big heavy guns about all day you know I have a nice rapid 7 mk1 now just need to be able to hit things with it now thats all
  16. The f****r is heavy enough to beat a rhino to death with mate
  17. I split my jiils from each other and from the hob when the first jill gave birth ......... I did originally leave the two jills together but the one that had the kits was hassling the other one and dragging her about the place so they are all on thier own until the kits are old enough
  18. Got it right ............ :whistle: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  19. Agree with reload 100% raw food is best .... meat, veg pulp, fish and one or two supplements ............ used to feed complete but seen the light thanks to a kindly Irish gent the condition of my dog has dramatically changed due to the new raw food diet ......... raw food all the way
  20. What's the best airgun pellet for all round hunting ? I have used bisley pest control in the past but not sure whats best to use with the rapid .............. any ideas chaps ??
  21. Yep she's got nine there by the looks . a polecat jill mated to an albino hob both good workers in fact she bolted some bunnies when she was 2 1/2 weeks in kit hoping for a nice sandy jill maybe or another white jill will do just have to wait and see whats there
  22. Got a litter of kits thats a week old now and the other jill is due next week
  23. Thats some good looking country you got there mate .......... your one lucky bloke
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