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Everything posted by MIKE

  1. Thompsons water seal ............. £8 odd a gallon and you can get it at B&Q...... this stuff also does fabric
  2. :11: :11: :11: yep it's a right hander :11: :11:
  3. Nope your right there mate ................
  4. We ain't all as muscley as you boyo ........... your only jealous anyway but I gotta be honest i've been bulking up lately to cope with all the stuff my dog is gonna get this season .............. :11: :11: :11:
  5. Here you go stabber my new addition ........................ and at a very reasonable price too ............
  6. Yep......... I'll take some pics and put it up later on mate
  7. I have been told 120 bar Chris but you think they are ok for a little more than that then .............. cheers Mike
  8. Anybody know the charging pressure for the falcon raptor ?
  9. There's no way I'd use 5-6 crtridges for fox control as the b*****ds can run off when you are using BB's and they deserve respect when you are out , everything should be killed appropriately and to me this is cleanly and as quickly as possible thanks for the replies
  10. Always used bb cartridges for fox control just wondered if anyone uses anything different and is there anything that gives you a bit more range and knockover without needing to change your chokes ect ......
  11. The test stamp does need to be in date alec but they most certainly won't chop up the bottle if it's not they just won't fill the bugger for you ............. it's no sweat if it's out of test anyway just take it to your nearest diving shop they should be able to test it there for you cost's around £10 had mine done a couple of months ago cost £16 and that included filling it as well
  12. Got offered an air arms s300 with silencer and scope for £160 are they any good ? it's not for me as i've got the rapid but my nipper is after a gun but it needs to be lightweight as he's only 11...... these look to be lightweight but are they any good for hunting ect .......... cheers Charlie
  13. MIKE


    Glad you've entered him to some proper quarry :11: ............ he looks well hard in the second pic ...........really fierce :11: :11: :11:
  14. Aye I'll have you now she put up a bit of a fight as well but I managed to get the rossette off her in the end :11: .........yeah I know what you mean he was well sucked off with the rossette round his neck but after we had practised his posing ready for the next show he forgave me .............. likes the attention see :11: :11: :11: :11:
  15. Took the dog out yesterday and he managed against some difficult odds to get his first red ..................... Rossette ..........
  16. Here's my lad he's also 26 " but a litle lighter in weight
  17. Yeah it's ok for you big fella's to go on about heavy guns but us small chaps have to make do with a lighter model cos we ain't got the bulk to hump one of them around for a few hours :11:
  18. MIKE


    Sod that lot too much hard work ........... the other jill has reared the second litter now as well they are 4 1/2 weeks old now
  19. MIKE


    :11: :11: :11: No it's only you cos your such a dodgy c**t unlike me ................ :11:
  20. You b*****d you make me :sick: :sick: I thought I could trust you ...... thats it now you've pissed on ya chips ............ I won't stoop to your level and reveal the true images of your f*****g monster .......... all I can say is it's in the hands of my legal expert and me and a certain other "overgrown" puppy owner will see you in court ya twat :11: :11: :11: :11: :ph34r:
  21. I was only looking at the pics don't read the bollocks in between ........ thats the last time i'll ask any dull english c u nt anything........... didn't want to know really just being polite
  22. How old is he now chilli ? I think he is a bit younger than my pup ain't he .......... looking good in the pics though mate
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