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Everything posted by redtail23

  2. i will deliver with a extra £20 cost and i do accept paypal thanks
  3. im selling my wiehrach hw77k 22. with sling and 4x32 simmons scopes im asking £130 im in south wales.
  4. sorry mate thats about and 3 and ahlf hour trek but if you got a paypal account i can post it to you or send me a cheque for £170. regards jimmy Mate You can trust redtail23 to post the gun to you. He's a genuine guy. I recently bought a gun through the post with no problem at all Cheers, Kristian. cheers kris
  5. sorry mate thats about and 3 and ahlf hour trek but if you got a paypal account i can post it to you or send me a cheque for £170. regards jimmy
  6. call it £130 and you got a deal mate. bump bump
  7. call it £130 and you got a deal mate. bump
  8. call it £130 and you got a deal mate.
  9. sorry mate the lowest i will go and thats £140 bump
  10. sorry mate the lowest i will go and thats £140
  11. sorry for jumping in on your post but i think a female harris will do you wonders for a first bird mate they are cracking birds and if i was you get a parent reared that has been in for at least 15 weeks.Get a good book on them and away you go mate good luck.
  12. bump im willing to meet around the m4 area bump
  13. bump im willing to meet around the m4 area
  14. sorry mate i cant make that date but if things change i will get back to you. regards jimmy
  15. i will take £150 but if i have to travel it will be £170 mate.
  16. hw77k 22. 4x32 simmons scope with sling im in south wales i will only sell it for £140 im in south wales or i would swap for a newish laptop thanks.
  17. i will now take £120 or £140 posted SORRY I AM NOW KEEPING THE GUN ITS NOT FOR SALE.
  18. im about quarter of a mile down the road its jimmy mate lol. bump
  19. im about quarter of a mile down the road its jimmy mate lol.
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