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Everything posted by redtail23

  1. hi im after a large male harris parent reared 2010 bird thanks. jimmy
  2. im selling a theoben evolution 22.for my mate its a gas ram ex condition with ags mil dot zoom scope please phone craig on 07814486098 he wants £325 for its been used twice.
  3. redtail23


    male harris parent reared 7 month old flies at 1lb 7 would px for a male redtail.
  4. its still in its youngsters plumage mate he hasnt gone through his 1st molt yet hes only 7 months old. jimmy
  5. ive got a parent reared 7month old male harris for sale or swap he flies at 1lb 7 he havent been entered and can be a bit vocal in the mews.I would swap him for a quality airgun 22 gas ram weihrach hw90k or theoben must have scope or i would sell him for £200.
  6. selling jill ferret and large indoor hutch its a 4 tier with 2 sleeping compartments £50 sorry now SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
  7. redtail23


    pentax optio 5 million pixal digital camera for sale with charger software and case £40 or £45 postage and you can pay me through paypal. please pm me for details.
  8. cracking pics mate i hope male nails some crows.
  9. hi mate im intrested in the fly fishing gear can you please put some pics up and where you to mate.
  10. hi mate im intrested in the fly fishing gear can you please put some pics up and where you to mate.
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