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pencoed hunter

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Everything posted by pencoed hunter

  1. Has anyone seen FERRETING,HUNTING,RABBITS,DIGGING,WORKING DOGS DVD I just bought it off ebay
  2. lol its about an hour i think You should take you're dog they do terrier racing there
  3. Ye theres some good ones there but i got a small one so you can carry it round anywere
  4. Lol yea tons get your camo and stuff from there. its ages away though like 9 months. its pritty far to
  5. Ye you will need alot of money I think its around £5 to get in plus chip in for petrol money wont be much, then money to buy stuff there. I took £ last time and that wernt enough lol
  6. Nice pic agen mate I'm gona try get a camera for xmas or birthday
  7. Ye its really good I might camp out there next time
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