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pencoed hunter

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Everything posted by pencoed hunter

  1. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  2. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  3. I went out today ground was solid couldn't get the pegs in had to hit them with the shovel lol. way to overgrown with nettles my hands are killing and my face lol. Didn't get any rabbits only thing we bolted was a mouse
  4. Afew people have on here I might change mine if you can
  5. Ye mate I'm using bales £7.50 here
  6. I haven't had one for a while but i think its off the cats from number 7 they got like 5 so ill get my out tonight lol There on the farms and that so probably getting the tick off them
  7. Ye thanks. Still have to varnish the outside though
  8. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  9. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  10. No i will get a few when i see him next gona try ratting on sunday with it
  11. I'im gona try my butcher tomorrow see if i can have some scraps for the ferrets for free and i can have a freezer off my cuzn to so im sorted lol
  12. saturday rain sunday sun but cold
  13. Go to your control panel then go to the bottom of your page and go on Purchase Paid Subscriptions i think
  14. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  15. Ye awesome day that was. Ill start taking nickie out with us agen after she had her pups
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