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pencoed hunter

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Everything posted by pencoed hunter

  1. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  2. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  3. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  4. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  5. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  6. ye thanks guys mk3 it is I think
  7. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  8. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  9. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  10. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  11. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  12. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  13. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  14. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  15. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  16. Hello and :welcomeani: to The Hunting Life.com Hope you enjoy.
  17. I got the choice of buying cheap mk2 with collar around £60 or get mk3 and couple of collars for xmas so think ill go with mk3
  18. just went out and caught 2 rabbits was pitch black lol
  19. I should be out fertin tonight with my uncle ill let you know how i get on
  20. ok I need to know for definite before i but it
  21. I got the chance to buy a mk2 ferret finder with 1 collar cheap and I think its 20ft it says 20 on the top screen thing just want to know if mk3 collar will work with it mk2 finder?
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