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Everything posted by tiptopdan

  1. thanks lads. he liked it but was a bit scared lol he will like it better when hes a bit older. wish i had sum 1 2 take me out when i was a kid i dident get in 2 rabbiting till i was 15/16
  2. me and me 4 year old nephew went out last night just for a hour we only went 5 mins up the road. my pup managed 2 catch 3 rabbits me nephew was well buzzing he even wanted 2 cary 1 of the rabbits lol. he got a bit scared now and then and had 2 carry him but was ok i talked him round lol
  3. went out agen last night we got 47 rabbits. me pup got 18 this time, i had a few bad slips but thats the way it goes. he doen realy well agen gonna be a superb dog. carnt wat till it gets winter gonna do well got a pic but it not very good 4 got the camera and took the pic off me phone.
  4. no its not forsale took me ages to find one lol ok mate thanks
  5. is it 4 sale been afetr 1 4 ages? where u get it from?
  6. thanks every 1. its my mates permison he has just started taking me out with him he has had the land for over 5 years got loads of permishon. his record was 26 and he beat that by 1 the other night lol his land is realy good like all grass fields some with a few fistles in good 2 see the dogs use the branes when the rabbit goes thro and the dog cut it off the other side was a realy good night. there was loads of rabbits could of got more but dident want 2 push me pup 2 hard. going out agen 2 night 2 one of his other permisons so will stick a post up of [bANNED TEXT] i get 2 night lol hope i br
  7. ano [bANNED TEXT] when i wanted 2 breed her ppl where saying wouldent keep a pup out of hancock breeding and when i said puttin her 2 racing whippet grey it got worse lol they where saying the father isent proving the pup will be crap. it isent all about if its proving or not its all about how u bring the dog up think i does help if it is provin but the father wasent and look at me pup he is flying and got quit abit of stamina. i know a few ppl that have bred 2 dogs proving 2 kill every thing a few ppl im know got a pup and never done nout with them and they ended up crap 2 of them are realy g
  8. thanks lads, yeah he is coming on realy well. the other dog is 3 years old and last year had think it was summit like 1200 rabbits. both dogs had more or less the same amount of slips as well. that was about the 15th time i took me pup out he only had about 25 rabbits under his belt be 4 the other night i started him at 8 monthes old just on easy raddits. the most he ever caught was 4 rabbits i one night now hes beat that by 26. couldent beleave it when i opend me ruk sack first time i counted 16 left them at the car then came bk opend the bag and counted 14 me and my [bANNED TEXT] counted the
  9. havent posted for a bit wid me not getting out lamping much thro the summer. now the winter is started gettin here started taking me pup out he is the blue colli whippet grey i bred out of me handcock bitch he is 26"tts and now 13 monthes old and coming on realy well. me and my [bANNED TEXT] got 57 rabbits in 3 hours me pup got 30 rabbits he missed a few like they just got thro the stone wall intime lucky tw*ts lol my pup catches them and straight bk to hand ready for his next slip and if he misses a rabbit soon as i switch the lamp off he is straight bk by me side realy is a good dog he is
  10. lmao. he has been over 2 bitches in the past 6 weeks and he wasent very intredted. i tryed them both on the 11th day 2 the 14th day. am gonna get a big bullx bitch in 2 put him 2 her. i will get sum good pups off me big colligrey. thanks dan
  11. lmao thanks every 1. look like am gonna have 2 get me lasses washing up gloves on lol
  12. been trying to line my colli grey for a few monthes now and he is trying but not staying on long enught for me to ame him in the right place. any one know how any one that will take it out of him and put it up the bitch that i have got lined up. realy want a pup out of this dog as i have never seen so much go in a colligrey. if any one has any info plz let me know. thanks dan
  13. lookes the spit and dab of the colli/whippet/grey dog i bred. the pup on the middle left
  14. is it manual or electric? electric mate
  15. tred mill good con only selling coz i got a better 1 looking for £50 o.v.n.o stockton on tees will stick sum pics up later thanks dan
  16. sorry [bANNED TEXT] they all ready stand me more than whot i am asking 4 them. if i only had that in 2 them they would of been yours sorry
  17. if u buy the both £35 for the jacket and £30 for the boots
  18. lol i will put it in the washer and shrink it 4 u mate
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