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About alirat

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  1. I usually leave cuts and keep a very close eye on them. Bathing with Hibiscrub is a good idea if they are mucky (this is still cheap in tack shops, but gone up in price in chemists). If it's looking like it might need abs then straightforward Amoxycillin is fine. Synulox (Amoxycillin trihydrate/clavulanate) is the mother of all Penicillins to kick ass more severe skin infections I find. Tis epensive though. Do leave that one for when you really need it though.
  2. With Ivomec I think you need to do it weekly for minimum of 3 weeks. No idea about paste and doseage but I think the skin formula works well. Not used that in a dog though and ony got it from a vet or pets at home
  3. Thanks! Are they genuine??? Fingers crossed they are! Would like Baytril tablets if poss, the site onlt seem to have an injection
  4. Looking to get Baytril, Doxy and Synulox and wondered where from other than vets who charge a fortune. Please PM me if you have any to sell Cheers
  5. *waves* Just a quick shout from Jon and Ali
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