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Everything posted by LAMPER

  1. I also use Bitlord and have had no problems. Try Minova.com and torrentpond.com ... for all latest movies and music
  2. Well ive spoke to simon about the misunderstanding and he assured me he has never mentioned what he accused me of since we last spoke nearly 2 yrs ago. He seems to think its other people going over old ground to try to get at him because hes no longer on the net forums in any way or form, What i think of simon because of what happened ill keep to myself, though i wont let it bother me,water over a bridge, lifes too short and all that blah! What i will say is if anyone has heard what im suppoesd to of said id do.... ITS ALL LIES! my oppologiies to mr hubury,.. my fault for not reading
  3. Simon whitehead is a liar....... I am the person he accused of saying id poison his dogs......im disapointed he is going round still saying this happened when it never. ive still got the pm he sent to someone else saying id said this when i NEVER. I spoke to simon on the phone personaly and asked him to explain himself to me. he made his excuses and said to me hed took certain things the wrong way. People who know me personaly would know i think too much of any canine,be it flea ridden or not to ever consider doing what he stated i was gonna do. During our conversation he appologised to me
  4. Realy feel for ya mate! RIP WILLOW. Lamps....
  5. is that from Dingo s kennel Dingo did breed the dog........Shes the best out the litter.......so ive heard
  6. Heres mine.... that im running at the moment.... Lamps
  7. mines a 1/4 kelpie x 3/4 whipp/grey. them two have a couple of old mongrals Your not wrong tomo.....i wont be caught out again though mate! Lamps
  8. Thanks for the invite tomo mate.and the nice Pan of tea Pity about the weather....but youd never get out otherwise! Lamps
  9. Look at some of these working collies that are on the hill , day in day out...are they fit? ..do they looked ripped as people call it? Dogs come in a great many shapes and sizes..... witton....you talk shite mate Lamps
  10. Myself and breeze took our collie curs out last night for a few runs on the lamp. we aint lamped this land for a good 6 weeks so we was hoping to get one or two in the bag. After a day of relentless rain the going on the fields were real heavy. Not the best of running ground anyway, but with all the water about it made it quite difficult. Saying that both dogs ran real well tonight and their catch rate was excellent for this adverse ground. On more than one occassion we were holding our breaths as the dogs took a tumble At one point i thought my bitch donna had hurt herself real bad, but she
  11. Thats a cracking catch rate for a canny little dog....well done hedge. How does the little bitch cope with retrieveing?,...does she struggle at all with her being only 19". I remember a friend with a similar type that also could catch for fun,..a little beddy x. After a dozen or so her retrieveing went a bit to pot, but shed still catch a few more. all the best .Lamps
  12. We had Does in young ferreting last weekend.....you just got to keep at um! Lamps
  13. My best dogs have always been ones ive reared and entered myself Saying that,. i have seen some realy useful canines in the past that had they been for sale and i needed a dog, i would of snatched there hands off! Thing is,. we all know how hard it is to get something of any calibre, and the pitfalls that usualy come along with trying to get such a beast. Even after all the hard work we put in we still rely heavily on good old lady luck! Why would anyone realy let something useful go! Saying that some idiots just cant see the potential that a dog of theirs has and do occasionaly decide to l
  14. were having a 3lb Seagull......its the only time people ask for a wing instead of a leg!
  15. Hate to break this to you compo....but ive been sleeping with your missus and her mate... we participated in a session of naked ferreting also!
  16. Donnas amazed me if im honest,..i had worries about her speed like yourself with yours, but if she does lack a little she makes up for it with her 100% effort. Her nose is good and she always finding game, even at places that dont hold much which speaks for itself realy. Shes come on leaps and bounds with her lamping,which if im honest i had the most doubts about with her. This season though she catching what id expect her to, so im pleased with that. Ive ran her hard and her stamina is good. Ive had her out ferreting, and shell mark warrens well enough. If i shoot anything shell pick it and
  17. I realy like the look of your pup SJM, my type of Dog. I reckon she could be a handy little bitch for ya with that bit of luck that we all need. How tall he she ???. Lamps
  18. If a dog walks backwards wagging its head.....chances are it will be no good! cant see it myself
  19. Excellent photo Gaylord.....amazing! heres one i took a couple of weeks ago .... not in your league though mate! Lamps
  20. where are you in the midlands mate.....ive got one here....im near coventry!
  21. LAMPER

    forum page

    cheers skycat....... how thick am i????
  22. LAMPER

    forum page

    when i used to view a forum page id see all the replys to the topic underneath! now when i view a forum page i just see a list of replys and have to click on them to view. anyone know why??? lamps
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