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Everything posted by blue2

  1. Iknow lots of people who keep up contact with there birds during the moult. Some birds can be difficult when pulled from the moult to re train, my old female hh was a proper so and so for years untill i decided to feed her from the fist through the moult it made life so much easier when i reclaimed her. Of course id get a similar reaction from my female as you did with your bird. With my male hh i just leave him through the moult, he's a very easy going chap and easy to handle when cought up, even when fat.
  2. I bought a large male hh which flew at 1.10 1/4, had it dna tested and it turned out to be a small female.
  3. The bird is around 14 years or older, im not looking to re-home him, just reunite him with his owner.
  4. I dont have a problem with flying through the moult, although it not something i do myself, but you have to be aware of birds nesting etc, if your bird finds a nice easy snack you may end up losing it. If i had some nice open land i might be prepared to give it a go....mick
  5. Just read on a falconry website a guy has just been conned out of a gos with counterfeit money, so please beware if your selling anything. The dodgy folk are believed to come from the Liverpool area.
  6. Has been in my posession for over a year, its been advertised on most falcory forums, the ibr and wildlife liason officers. The bird was picked up in Nottinghamshire around a year ago if you know of anyone who lost a MRT please get in touch by pm. PS this is an old bird.
  7. blue2

    hard to enter

    I mostly advise people to increase the weight a little first and try that, better safe than sorry.
  8. Thanks for all your replies guys and girls, most of the ideas ive tried except the tripe so ill give that a go. He seems as though he just eats enough to get through the day, similar to what another poster experiences. He's fed pretty regularly time wise, but just recently ive had to resort to feeding him rubbish now and then just to get some weight on him. That was probably a mistake. The awfull thing is though the more excersise he gets the worse he looks as he eats about the same but is burning it off quicker
  9. Advice anyone, i have a Bedlington who,s appetite is awfull, id like to build him up a little, as he,s a skinny thing you can offer him tinned dog food and he'll eat ok, the next day he'll go without, ive tried him on raw mince and he seemed to like it but went off that, basically chaps he'd rather starve or go without for 2 days than eat normal dogfood. By the way hes a pet only and has always been a fussy eater, but lately he's got worse.
  10. Im new to the forum, a quick rundown on myself, i fly a male Harris Hawk, and been involved with hunting bop for around 10-12 years, do a little hunting with the air rifle, have a couple of ferrets and im in the process of training a Brittney spaniel puppy to work under birds. cheers.
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