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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. Out today with my pup. He is coming up to a year now.
  2. Good eyes, yes he is a hob. There is 2 hob and 3 jills. One of the jills to look at looks like the 2 hobs.
  3. I would agree with keeping your dog at a level of fittness even in the off season if thats what you want to call it. If the dog is un fit it takes more work to get the dogs fittness back up, which itself takes a toll on the dog. I think its easier on the dog to keep a level of fittness so the dog isnt out of shape and it takes to much effort on the dog to get the fittness up. The dog will tell you how fit it is through its actions and reactions. If a dog reachess its peak of fittness, its only obvious its levels will come down after it peaks.
  4. sorry the way i have the pics, just getting used to the new way i have to post pics.
  5. does first kits, only 5. doing well.
  6. If anyone who uses photobucket to post there pictures on the forum. Could you help me. Photobucket must have changed things. I would click on the code for the picture,it would come up coppied. I would go onto the forum to the post I was doing and paste it on the post. It wont work that way. Anyone know how to do it please. ATB Ray
  7. very nice, lucky you, nice dogs too.happy hunting
  8. there glenn of imaal terriers you have them in good order ray, you should come down with foxhunter next season to us for a bit of hunting, y.i.s ,sionnach Sounds good to me. The pup is showing a couple of promising signs. It would be nice if he puts them together when hes a bit older and does the job. The odds is kind of against him as a breed. Im learning theres not too many Glenns doing much. It would be nice if he does.
  9. very nice, best of luck with them
  10. there glenn of imaal terriers
  11. Raymond


    foxhunter of the site made it . He would be the one to fill you in on details.
  12. Raymond


    Mine is nicer than yours. Ha Ha. David does a great job on the cages.Hope your enjoying yours as good as Im enjoying mine.ATB Ray
  13. My pup at 10 months.Hes coming on grand. Met up with a few people yesterday for a bit of fun.Had the pup doing a bit of shore work. He done a grand job.I know its only a man made tunnel. The sire of my pup below. The girls never took a pic of the shore work when it was being done.
  14. Raymond


    Finally got my photobucket sorted. Heres that picture of the bird cage I promissed you. Cage made by foxhunter,grand job.
  15. nice,hope you do well with them
  16. lovely pups,hope you do well with them
  17. cracker of a dog.Best of luck with him.
  18. hope you do well with the kits
  19. good one! i love the old bit off bushing! try get some pics up of him! cheers CHIPPY with some dogs you need a little patience.glad the dog came good.
  20. Very nicely done.When I sort out my photobucket I will put up a picture of the one you made me .
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