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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. tea tree oil is very strong. Its alot cheaper than ivomec. Thanks
  2. I never thought of the tea tree oil.
  3. Definitely not ticks. If you google pics of dog lice you will see what they look like.
  4. Just found some lice on the dogs. Theve been scratching a bit lately. I couldnt find any signs off fleas. I was washing one of the dogs today and the lice showed up. I couldnt see them on the dog when he was dry. The water must have helped me to see them. They must show up better when wet.
  5. All the years I have dogs I have never came across dog lice. What do people who have came across these lice before use to get rid of them. I know Ivomec can be used. What else can be used. ATB Ray.
  6. On a more serious note, there fine pups you have there. Best of luck with them
  8. Fair play to yous, all fine looking dogs and pups. In good nick
  9. Sounds like a really good one you have. far and few apart. If you do decide to do some bite work with her, only give her a couple of bites to see what her jaw is like. Some people ruin there dogs by giving them bite work all the time. We used to do it for years. We would give the dog a couple of bites on the slieve and leave it at that for a few weeks. Once we had a good idea of the dogs bite we would leave it at that. Try and get her to squeeze instead of pulling and shakeing the slieve. If you do too much bite work your dog can go of its head, they lock onto the slieve and go into a trance.
  10. Thats a little cracker you have. Whats her brain like. Have you done any bite work with her. Does she retrieve a ball for you. You have her in great nick fair play to you.
  11. Yeah the little fella is doing well getting this pup for his first dog. Its well bred out of worker to worker. If I remember correctly there is border,lakeland/fell, russel and a bit of bull blood going back in his breeding.
  12. My 11 year old son has been pestering me the last 2 years for a pup. We dont really have the room,but I couldnt keep saying no. He might not ask anymore and go of the idea of his own dog. He is getting more into the fields and hunting.The pup is 8 weeks old.
  13. Ive used TCP. Savlon works well too. It tels you on the bottle of TCP how much water to add to the TCP if you want to aply it to teenage spots. I would get a clean cloth and dip it in the TCP mixed with water. I would give the bald patch a little scrubb. I would do this 3 times a day. With in a week you will see the hair growing back.
  14. hope you do well with them
  15. Hi Chippy yeah hopefully he will. He is showing signs that he might do ok at his future job. it would be nice to see him enter and work game just like the old days! Id love that.He is low to the ground aswell. People seem to be breeding them bigger and bigger now. His father throws smaller type of Glenns. I was thinking if he keeps progressing in the right ways and I get a smaller type Glenn bitch thats working. If his fathers genes are in him to throw smaller lower to the ground types. I would get better sizes. Cant wait to give him a little look this season. Hes still young so ple
  16. Hi Chippy yeah hopefully he will. He is showing signs that he might do ok at his future job. it would be nice to see him enter and work game just like the old days! Id love that.He is low to the ground aswell. People seem to be breeding them bigger and bigger now. His father throws smaller type of Glenns. I was thinking if he keeps progressing in the right ways and I get a smaller type Glenn bitch thats working. If his fathers genes are in him to throw smaller lower to the ground types. I would get better sizes. Cant wait to give him a little look this season. Hes still young so ple
  17. Hi Chippy yeah hopefully he will. He is showing signs that he might do ok at his future job.
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