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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. I hope to try this fella a little later in the season. He is showing some potential so far. Hes about 6 or 7 months in the photo. Hes about 16 months now. I hope to use this Glen bitch this season. She might be having a phantom pregnancy at the minute so I will have to wait and see The wheaten coloured Glenn turned 2 this summer. I hope to try him out aswell this season.
  2. Some nice dogs there. Good luck with them
  3. I had English bulls 20 years ago.Didnt do much with them. The next door neighbour was littered with rats. I asked could I let the bitch in to see what she would do. She was about 2. She went from being a pet to a different dog.You would think she was ratting since she was a pup. Never tried her on anything else. She was KC aswell. Back then to me there was the really heavy built English Bulls.I called these Gabour type.The spelling might be wrong. The longer leaner, leggier type with the straighter nose we called the Dalmation type as it lent towards the dalmation in them. I had a bridle and w
  4. Fair play to you. You where honest about the pup when I met you to get her. You put me right from the start. She is doing well. I might just get another one to keep her company. Id be limited to where I can go but there is a few spots for her.That would be the only draw back I can see for the bitch. She will certainly get out this winter. Im seeing alot more foxes now.Just have to find where the shits earths are. She is doing well for a pup. Thanks.
  5. Has anyone used it after the 3 months when you first use it. It says on the packaging once you use it, it cant be used after 3 months as there is no preservative in it.
  6. go to the start of this thred and that will give you an idea, there will be three weight divisions this year, so that the smaller dogs can win their class outright. Yeah I seen the pics. Agood few blocks on the trailer. I was getting my Glenn pulling again on the harness. He picked up an injury in the fields on his front leg. He wont be pulling any weights for a while. I got him to pull 18 stone last year. Can people use something to encourage there dogs tp pull the weights. My Glenn pulls like mad when I wave a fox tail in front of him. Whats the weight of the dogs in each division this ye
  7. Ive been itching alright. The only thing is you end up with loads of dogs. I will see how she gets on and sure you never know. Im enjoying her so far.Thanks for wishing me luck.
  8. The way things are going I should have got a couple of them to be honest. She is doing well for on her own. I bring my little terrier pup out with her. She has had a couple of good hunts on a fox recently. I didnt intentionally go looking for a fox.I was just out walking her and the terrier. She has some set of lungs on her when she opens up. I am very happy with how she is coming along.Grand bitch. Look forward to the winter with her. The Glenn with his stumpy bow leggs hasnt a hope in hell in keeping up with her. She has a decent recall on her aswell so far.That Glenns not bad at marking.
  9. She will be a year old this winter.
  10. Hi Tassa hope your well, heres a few recent pics of the pup I got of you. The pics below are when I got her of you.She has done some changeing over the months. Shes coming along grand.
  11. Just a thought for you.I was at the show a while back on the Scarver road.There was a class for a mix of different terriers. Any terrier could be put in it. There was staffs and english bulls and other terriers in the one class.
  12. Fair play lads,the family hada great day thanks. I hope you put a slot in for the Glenns next year. The little cross terrier got a couple of rossettes with the kids. Thanks again ATB Ray
  13. not this year as its the first year we will be hopin to accomodate every one next year if things go well this time around No Prob what classes are there for the terriers that are showing. I have a border,lakeland cross russle will there be a class for him. yes raymond there is a class forr all types of terriers Thanks, thats grand.See you all there sunday.
  14. not this year as its the first year we will be hopin to accomodate every one next year if things go well this time around No Prob what classes are there for the terriers that are showing. I have a border,lakeland cross russle will there be a class for him. alright ray. Philip would want to go to bed on a friday night he wants to be there sunday I was talking to him last night.He said hes heading down sunday.He didnt say which sunday. I will send one of the kids around to get him up. I moved into the house around the corner from him.That little red pup I got of him is coming
  15. not this year as its the first year we will be hopin to accomodate every one next year if things go well this time around No Prob what classes are there for the terriers that are showing. I have a border,lakeland cross russle will there be a class for him.
  16. There funny looking things at that age.
  17. Will there be a class for Glenn of Imaal terriers. In your other post you said all terriers.
  18. I use it and I think its great. I use 0.1ml per 3kg body weight. Ive used it on westies,Glenn of Imaals, beagle, shitzu.I have a terrier with border lakeland and russel in him and no prob. It is very strong and Ive been told it is fatal to breeds with collie in them. Ive never used it on collie types so I cant confirm this. It does internal and external parasites, Ive used it on reptiles aswell. I think its brilliant.It is very strong so I lean on the side of underdose than over dose. When I do a dog for the first time I do have a little thought I hope I shouldnt have done that. Most dogs get
  19. Hi Tango any details on the show
  20. Nice little pup hope you have a bit of fun with it. Love the old pups. Brings the kid out in you.
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