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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. Raymond

    No Nets

    looks like a great day had, havent used nets in a long time myself.
  2. havent had alcohol in a long time, the sloe berries I like to pass onto the green horns and see there face cringe when they bite into one. sure if your ever in Dublin let me know. It wouldnt take long to finish one of the partly finised ones of.just measure you and put a ferrule on the end of it
  3. its mad how it has went. I got a load of the sticks years ago thinking id make up a few and sell them. sure I ended up giving them away along the way. Ive still a few partly finished lying around the shed just waithing on a visitor to see one of my own sticks and say thats lovely id love one of them.
  4. I rather collect the sticks in the winter , have a look around the black thorns the little white flowers be appearing on them. they flower first then the leafs appear . so have a suss for your blackthorn
  5. go for it, the blackthorne a grand stick, very hard and sturdy but very light in weight. try get a black thorne.
  6. rough throwing stick, had a few pheasants and rabbits with it over the years walking stick
  7. It took about 10 year to getting around to doing that stick so it got 10 year to dry out. Ive a few more in the shed that still need doing from about 10 years ago aswell. I just finish them off as somebody comes along that needs a stick and I pull one out to suit the person and finish it of for them and gift it to them.
  8. sorry I cant get the video to work.
  9. held this fella back for myself, video taken the other day
  10. Thanks, its another excuse to get out the fields and gather a few bits of wild food for the birds and strecth the dogs legs
  11. Thanks fireman, yeah I be playing around with the greenfinch for a few more years, Theres loads of other projects Id like to try but just too much going on at the minute with all my projects. il be happy if I get a couple of nice pieds,couple of nice cinnamin greenies, a few norwich and a few mules. trying a couple of pairs of goldies aswell so be nice to breed a few of them
  12. looks a lump but light as a feather
  13. 2015 bred i held back for myself
  14. you could give him liver from the butchers aswell, now and again a boiled egg as a treat, the odd raw egg does mt ferrets no harm, there main food is rabbits that they have caught when out ferreting, ive often forgot to take out a frozen rabbit to defrost in time and just gave the ferrets some dried complete dog food. How big is the ferret, if hes a good size try him on 2 drum sticks.If you check him the next day and theres still a drum stick dont give him anymore untill its gone. What im trying to say is the ferret will learn you how much or how little to feed it.If your feeding it too much a
  15. fingers crossed hes as good as his parents and grand parents. Il slow the daddy down as I ease his son into full swing of things by the end of the season, kes a late kit born in august 2015, most the donkey work done with the 4 mutts and plenty of handling from all the family members so well used to all that. Might get him out to a few 2 and 3 holed burrows and let him run them before I finish things up for this season
  16. no sign of my hob coming into season yet
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