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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. Just got this pic from Philip from the other day. Look at the smile on the little fellas face. Love it
  2. love the pics, wouldnt mind being that extra hand with the ferreting you get.
  3. Hi wi11low, the bitch is 15.5inches to the shoulder and 26lb
  4. Sure I can almost remember you when you where the same age as your son. Hopefully we will have many more good days like that over the years to come. Thanks
  5. heres my hairy sausage,pic taken about 5 or soyears ago
  6. I have one of those with a rough coat. When I walk himsome of the local kids have asked me is he a sausage dog. Hes really a glenn of imaal
  7. love to see that.get a better idea on what the ferrets experiencing under ground.
  8. started a pup myself this season, the more experiencess they get the better for them, hope the pup does well for you
  9. good luck with the pup, look forward to seeing how she comes along for you
  10. My buck is starting to look a bit like bad grandpa in that jackass movie
  11. Hi wi11ow. Im not one for writing down the dates.I just keep it rough in my head. Shes only about the 6 month mark or slightly over. Shes a fair weight when you pick her up. I will take her weight and height and let you know. The sire is the cocker spaniel.When picking my pup I was on my hunkers messing with the pups.The breeder let the sire out.I turned my head to see the sire.Hes some lump of a dog.He has a neck like a bull. Pure solid dog nice young bitch looks dont mater shame the f****d the tail my bitch has grown into her legs she looked more bow legged as a younger bitch Ye
  12. Hi wi11ow. Im not one for writing down the dates.I just keep it rough in my head. Shes only about the 6 month mark or slightly over. Shes a fair weight when you pick her up. I will take her weight and height and let you know. The sire is the cocker spaniel.When picking my pup I was on my hunkers messing with the pups.The breeder let the sire out.I turned my head to see the sire.Hes some lump of a dog.He has a neck like a bull. Pure solid dog nice young bitch looks dont mater shame the f****d the tail my bitch has grown into her legs she looked more bow legged as a younger bitch Ye
  13. I was hoping she would be a bit bigger than a patterdale but not much bigger. If she gets much taller and bigger I probably should have got anothe lurcher like the one I have already. How big she will finish of I dont know as she just seems to keep growing,Her paws are huge.I would recommend this type of dog.She is only a pup and she is doing brilliant.She doesnt fly around like a spaniel. Shes ferreting about 2 months or so maybe a bit longer, time flies when your having fun. Shes doing a little bushing not much as shes been out ferreting and with my lurcher. I will leave the lurcher at home
  14. Hi wi11ow. Im not one for writing down the dates.I just keep it rough in my head. Shes only about the 6 month mark or slightly over. Shes a fair weight when you pick her up. I will take her weight and height and let you know. The sire is the cocker spaniel.When picking my pup I was on my hunkers messing with the pups.The breeder let the sire out.I turned my head to see the sire.Hes some lump of a dog.He has a neck like a bull. Pure solid dog
  15. Its a bit weird the bow leg thing.Most the time when shes moving around she doesnt look bow legged. Only when she stands a certain way she looks bowed. Shes some set of paws on her
  16. Out again today, just the 4.Got anothe ginger rabbit.Thats 2 ginger and 1 black. Delighted with how the pups coming along. Finally the end of day shot
  17. Pups coming along lovely doing the bit of ferreting.Shes only about 6 months.Shes getting alot bigger than I thought. shes even marking the burrows, funny pup
  18. the last time i got it about a year ago itwas just short of 30euros a litre. do the maths. 20 ml will do a large dog one dose so a 100ml will do five dogs and so forth does round worms and tape worms puppies to adult dogs, great stuff
  19. Headed out with Philip of here and his 7 year old son. Had a great day. The little fella was deadly. The face he made when I pulled the first rabbit out of the hole I dug, pricless.He wasnt afraid to carry some of the ferreting gear aswell. Got to a burrow and new by the number of holes I was digging there was young in it. Eventually got down to a nest 2 young.1 was dead and the other alive.The little fella addopted the baby bunny for a while.You would have gave him a million euro and he probably wouldnt have went on the same way he was about the baby rabbit. The things he was saying about the
  20. its great to get out,
  21. yeah shes a grand bitch.Thanks to the bitch my dog got to get a bit of work aswell.I will have to get the camera around to Philips and get a few pics.
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