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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. norwichxgreenie goldiexnorwich 2 goldiexnorwich hatched out yesterday
  2. I would remove the nest felts with mites in them and burn them. I use poultry shield and spray the nest bowls and screws that hold them to the cage. I spray any cracks and crevices that the mites could be hiding in. I put fresh felts in the nest bowls and put some mite powder under the felt. I think its just controlling them during the breeding season. Dont want to disturbe the birds too much. Some people use ivomectin and other produts that can be put on the bird or in there drinking water.
  3. watching that hitchcock film the birds last night and Im almost sure when the blond bird was walking into the petshop near the start a person walks out with 2 sealyham terriers.Never noticed them before
  4. from this, to this in a week phaeo cock to a carrier hen being rared by a red agate hen
  5. nice chicks, I think isabelle has cinnamin and agate which is silver in its make up. They look like they have patches of white on some them.They should be variegated, should they still be colour fed? Yeah I would colour feed them. I put a clear mosaic to a mosaic red black last season. They are only mongrels if you want to call them that.I bred them for feeders.I colour fed them and got some lovely colour in the cocks. sound raymond i only bred them to get a few whites for muling next year and of course something completly different comes out LOL thanks again good luck wi
  6. nice chicks, I think isabelle has cinnamin and agate which is silver in its make up. They look like they have patches of white on some them.They should be variegated, should they still be colour fed? Yeah I would colour feed them. I put a clear mosaic to a mosaic red black last season. They are only mongrels if you want to call them that.I bred them for feeders.I colour fed them and got some lovely colour in the cocks.
  7. nice chicks, I think isabelle has cinnamin and agate which is silver in its make up. They look like they have patches of white on some them.They should be variegated,
  8. have you any pics ofthe chicks you bred
  9. The dark ones should be mosaic red blacks. There those coloured canaries, they will look totally different after the moult and some caraphyl red.
  10. never left dogs diet to chance, always weighed the dog and the amount of food its fed. At different times of the year they get fed different quantities of food
  11. Still there just down from that garden centre and dogs trust. Any time Ive been to see him there was a good few people there. Hes a lovely fella and doesnt charge insane prices for the work he does. He done a section on a small glenn bitch I had a few years ago she was tiny and the pups where a bit big for her. It didnt cost me an arm and a leg. He would be the first name I would reccomend if somebody needs a vet.
  12. YES, one of the best. hes very good, comes to Dublin tuesdays and saturdays. If you google Brian Jones greyhound vet you should get some links to his website and contact details
  13. Il have to go back to spec savers , cant see where the ifs,buts and maybes are. Just looking for factual effidence that can a bitch get caught 18 or 19 days into the cycle. The eggs are released from 9-11 days.If you read the days I usually mated a bitch you would see that a stud with sperm thats no good after 48 hours would be sorted. Get the dog to tie the bitch day 9 ,11, and 13 or 10,12,14 job done. It only takes one tie really, the 3 mateings covers older dogs like you mentioned. I know most the biology and facts up to 14 days never needed to know anything else after that.I would love to
  14. just in from getting buds for my birds. Brought the pups, the cocker x terrier was flying for me bushing. Lashing rain out and still done well flushing a few bunnies out.The spaniel was strong in her today. Made picking the buds a bit more exciteing.
  15. Cant wait for winter to see the pup ferreting and polishing up her skills, well worth a try this mix
  16. Are you takeing a chance with that one or did you hear it from someones wife. When I tried that method I seemed to get the 5% that wasnt accurate
  17. Thanks for your reply, just looking for info on the cycle of the bitch in heat and is it physically possible to get preganant 18 or 19 days into the 21 day cycle. Never had a problem get a bitch pregnant. The fact is the sperm stays for up to 7 days before it starts to degrade so once the blood goes really watered down kind of pinkish colour and the dog ties job done.This generally happens around 12 to 14 days no wives tails and no chance involved. I get the blood test thing could come in handy in some cases.I have wittnessed a bitch with a dry heat as we call it.She swelled up but never passe
  18. Looking for facts if anyone has a link on the biology involved. Ive searched for a while and cant find when its too late to breed a bitch in heat. Ive always went with 9 ,11, and 13 days or 10, 12 and 14 days . A friend of a friend recons he waits untill about 18 to 19 days from the first drop of blood noticed. Ive never bred a bitch after the 14 days as I always got a couple of successfull ties. For once I was quiet and didnt have an answer.HA
  19. I paid 60 euros for a cockerx patterdale, shes still a pup but has done pretty well ferreting and a bit of bushing. well worth 60 euros
  20. I would say my buck was very lucky but dont tell anyone.In the right places amongst the right people I will say hes hard as foook.
  21. What style is your jill, is she rock hard, bayer or a bit of both. Yeah we could get together and breed them.Could be the end of the black terrier and rise of our line
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