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About Ginette

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    Born Hunter

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    ferrets, dogs, smallholding, languages and having a laugh!
  1. All my ferrets have done this especially round the garden whenever they're out. They love doing it in the leaves and any holes, soft soil they can find. I think its either territory marking or hoping another ferret will come along and be attracted to the smell. Mine have always done it and I think it shows they're relaxed and happy. Or maybe mine are just weird.
  2. bet you've got some super fit ferrets Doddsy! That is one amazing run, I wonder just how many ferrets it could accommodate, especially if you're extending it.
  3. You say that mobile phones and electric fences will interfere. I live about a mile from a radar station will that effect the MK3 much, do you think? I've only ever used the Mk1 and had a constant well spaced click, but could tell the difference when I got near the ferret because it changed.
  4. I have to say if there was a saucer of milk between my dog and a ferret the ferret would die. Don't get me wrong my dog loves ferrets but is very territorial over food. You probably have to know your animal well to see what works, like the whole fear of water thing. If only we all had the luxury of introducing a pup to a kit!
  5. I've had to bath mine on occasson, like when I rehomed a hob to a lady for a pet. As said before baby shampoo works a treat, and mine love plain water to play in. This time of year I'd rub them as dry as poss, then shove them in a cat basket with dry towels somewhere warm like in front of the stove (not too near) until they're dry.
  6. My boy once escaped, went straight past the chicken run and appeared in the landlords garden trying to 'play' with his terriers, luckily he grabbed my hob before he was lunch. Just asked that the cage be thoroughly de-stinkified. I've been lucky so far.
  7. Surely Kits on show in the right conditions would be Ok or is that another double standard us hunters must endure P1 If I were selling kits at a fair, I'd have the parents there on show. Then if folk were Really interested I'd give out my address. How could you garauntee what homes they go to, its hard enough otherwise? If it were the right conditions fair enough, but game fairs tend to be mostly in the summer. I met a guy one year just showing off the parents and he liked to weed out the time wasters who didn't have a clue.
  8. I wouldn't buy a ferret at a fair anyway. Bloody cruel if its a hot day! I've heard many a story about ferrets overheating and dying at fairs. Would boycott anyone with kits at a fair, different if its an adult on show in the right conditions mind.
  9. I'd give her a season. I think I'd be a bit neurotic if I just about died that way! One of mine bites when she's excited, I know this and don't let her near my hands when she's hyper. But I wouldn't kill her for it, she could calm with age.
  10. If you're really serious ask your family to get you bits of gear any time like your Birthday and save up your cash, maybe get extra chores. For my Birthday last year I got my dad to make me up nets, half hemp, half nylon. Since the seasons about over, I'll be spending my time saving for the MK3 while lookin for a bargain on ebay. Next seasons early enough for me. Time to clue up and find a decent permission. Good Luck.
  11. They're bonny happy lookin ferrets. Where do you get your chicks from? Is college and boredom not often synonymous? Either that or a big headache? I'm supposed to be studying as I write this.
  12. Thanks for the heads up. No such thing as too much info. Well maybe.... Cheers Ginette
  13. Could they sing and dance too? The most I've paid was £7.50 each and that was for kits.
  14. I use Fairview at New Deer. The one in Fraserburgh killed the last jill I tried to get spayed by injecting her with anaesthetic (like a cat they said). This vet gassed her and made a lovely job, very little sign of discomfort. I've heard some funny things about the rescue in Ellon. It also boards and last year he 'lost' someones ferrets while they were on holiday. I've also seen him advertise wanting ferrets. But what you hear can seem bad/strange when its secondhand. I've had no dealings with him so far, so can't say either way.
  15. Oh and sorry Nym I almost forgot. She was £55 to be spayed. I've been quoted £45 to get my hob neutered or £ to get him vasectomized. I'm spaying all round. Theres no shortage of kits up here and its a surer thing when the vets are next to useless.
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