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About celt

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 02/06/1972

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    An Dun

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  1. pipes and snow are great, got advice of a terrier man one time when starting out that walk every field and check every earth with young dogs because if you had no experienced dog to tell you something was home at least you could have a good guess from the prints and encourage the pup. worked for me and brought on my first terrier
  2. That was an error in frains book, seamus's hunting partner alan owned a cracker of a russell, who wore the mask but all the rest was true, that dog worked some foxes, probably the best marker i have seen
  3. mousey is a nice fella, i liked that red dog Vic he had wasa bit strong to be sucessful at top level in shows but great stamp of a dog, was he todds father?
  4. is vick not mousey mcardles dog? Ians dogs always seemed to carry a few marks and i found were nice calm dogs. i got the impression they did a bit from how they acted, you know not gassy headbangers. Was tyke the big red dog a son of monty? Pup looks great
  5. ditchshitter, you are in the right parto f the world for decent music. i used box as a kid and all the club shows i boxed on i came out to horslips, trouble with a capital t.
  6. kiwi lovely looking dogs. Forgive my ignorance what role do they play pig hunting, finders?
  7. Gus be carefull differnt countrys being talked about here with different rules. Try getting stopped by the PSNI outside forkhill and refuse to let them search...... not a good idea as a fella whoworks for me found out
  8. Jigsaw sorry to hear your loss, dog is off in a better place. I was interested in what you said about hearing the dog only 10 mins before, we had a dog die in the ground laast year and we heard him right up to 5 minutes before we broke through. It's hard to believe it can happen so fast. All the best for th rest of your season Celt
  9. Bolohan Never come across snakes with terriers, st patrick put paid to that. But i would think you would try to discourage any interest in snakes with a terrier, or is this not a problem Celt
  10. very true. I have found dogs of about 20 - 25 lb suit me best. Had some good wee uns but prefer the larger dogs
  11. boots is he pure glen or wheaten? looks quite light built what sort of height. Celt
  12. Kye Well done, having done alot of boxing and then kick boxing, i can remember cutting weight well, i hate bananas and saunas now. Also the rubber suits sticking to you with sweat or wearing 3 black bin liners and doing a 4 mile run before the sauna. You are a tough lad putting your self through that, i walked around at 75 kg and boxed at 71kg or 67 kg and that was lethal losing the weight . Good luck in your spar Celt
  13. Any reason for facing the kennels away from the house, i find the dogs like to see what is going on ?
  14. celt


    What do lobster thermedore and blowjobs have in common? I don't get either in my house.
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