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Everything posted by BBHLFC

  1. im wondering if anyone can help on this if i wanted to bring a dog from over the water what are the regs if any and can they just be sent on there own to be picked up from liverpool. look forward to your replys cheers folks
  2. nice pack there mate got my pup from up you way 3 week ago
  3. 5 month bull cross bought last week from sunderland 240 mile round trip but so far he is worth it
  4. this book is in good condion (not brand new) i got it last year for £20 well worth it as this is a sort after book.offers please and i will even post if needed.price for post depends on where thanks BBHLFC
  5. a good run? dont think it was mate well retreived mate i mean a good run to retrieve it pal! she looks fantastic when retrieving! ATB Sambo123 well noted rain....we new you meant retreived sambo
  6. still had no info on this hasnt the lad cmon holly time to come home girl
  7. take him out now it wont do him any harm let him see the squatters and let him chase them but dont do it too often cos if he cant catch them he will give up on them.and remeber rewards go a long way. i ferret a few then skin one and let hi mget used to fur in his mouth but dont rag it about cos when its time to let the real bunny go well its all fun and games this is only my opinion atb BBHLFC
  8. just a quick one for you is there anyone else out there that uses the bone doctor im a big beleiver in them when the dog wants to leave the motors they take a few knocks. i pay £5 a dog when the lad passes through our area whats your thoughts.
  9. go to tesco or any other supermarket and buy the left over brown bread or nip to a local farm shop /butcher and ask for his off cuts scrag ends and fat from off the beef crops atb bbhlfc
  10. DON ive picked a pup up from sunderland last week this is from a bull x greyhound /bull xgreyhound these have a nice sized head but runny the father was a big dog 26 and long mother very same i know he as got some left ,,,,if i could only get the pics on to show but having trouble loading them on here they have gone on face book ok i gave quid for him he is 5 month old and standing at 19inch if you can pm me aan email ille send you them and you can put them on here for me ...cheers ive always done from bunnies to bigger bunnies wit funny looking horns ..
  11. hope alls ok read the above and take note this is a wise idea i have a local abbatoir and with it being halal they remove the chicken skin this is a good source also try a table spoon of glucose in a small amount of food about 6/7 hours before lamping.i have tried this in the past you can also get horse hydration powder a small amount of this is EXCELLENT after a good nights lamp or a good day out.....atb
  12. yer try it on the sitters always had a bit of sausage in my pocket for him worked a treat when he brought it back and try get down low if he retreives then the dog is not scared of you thinking he as done wrong atb and even if it gets away praises go a long way
  13. [ lol, think you are right at least the people would be more honest dont you think, you will have to enlighten me on 'kniting', is this something you do in your past time?, and if 'fieldsport' consists of a 4x4 going across a field chasing something, like most people on here do,it's not for me. and all the best to the genuine lads on here. well im absolutly gutted ive just bought a new scooby for back end of this year .......i thought hunting was all about flying across a field while the babys fly out out ding
  14. im not calling anyone lyers but id like to see an 50/50 do the hares through the day on a big open 3acre night time different matter closed field 1 acre should do them all night as the say the bull cross will turn on a tanner
  15. spot on scotty, but there was a good dog a few years ago i heard of called rambo owned by irish bob,wich was out of a first cross bull greyhound and a pure saluki i think that would be true billysboots and if im not mistaken rambos brother was general and this dog could do the doand would irish bob be the same man as woolly bob
  16. well done to the both ov ya and hopefully many more to come
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