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    Born Hunter

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  1. hi does anyone know where i can source some mk 1 ferret collars and locators,ive looked on ebay but no show.its for a friend he as the box just wants more collars. many thanks
  2. lay it out on a tray under the grill on a low light ...keep adding salt and draining off the water untill its sticky ....but remember YA COOK IT YA f**k IT
  3. is there a section for the pat bitches please
  4. thanks to all didnt think he would stay on here long..........he is going to........ nelly 1......depending on him meeting me on saturday morning
  5. the elder dog is the dominant dog just pup wont back down.the pup wants to play sometimes but due to the previous fights they just want to scrap
  6. saluki bull greyhound .im giving this lad up but must go to a serious working home.he is defo not cat freindly. he is 24inch tts 8month old jumping well clean in kennel. he as not seen a lot been out through day and run a couple of rabbits.(chases) he as to go as you will see in my other posts my other dog is fighting with him.ive split them up but when they are in the motor they are at it.trouble is the pup wont back down. west yorkshire area pm me cheers B
  7. cheers lads the floor space is big enough but even in the motor they are at it. ive had 1st crosses and never had this issue i just thought the pup would submit down to the older dog at least for a few more month. ive seen the alpha dogs just growl them down but this is different.
  8. ive never had this problem in the past but for some reason ive got it now and dont i know it. a couple of months ago i got a 5 month old dog pup.who is so placid.I ve kenneled him with my other dog a 2 year old sal bull grey they have got on alright untill a week ago ive tried feeding at different times walking seperate done both together.trouble is the pup will not back down now.im worried that one day ille come home from work to find only one left. why is the pup not backing down..........help lads...... ps i cant pen them seperate as not enough room
  9. pmsl .....didnt expect any other answer..
  10. as long as its warm ...i had mine outside with the bitch.trouble is when you get a gap and the wind whistles through.you dont say how old they are.or if its just one, keep em well fed and summat to snuggle up in. try get a heat lamp to aim down on them and try get the bed just up off the floor. atb B
  11. i find them good for catching ....HAGGIS .... but only on the lamp they dont seem to pull them during the day
  12. hi all ive always put a sprinkle of garlic powder or flakes in to my dogs food and recently started to use salmon oil or cod liver oil.but some one as told me that garlic is not good for dogs ..but never heard this before i was told it was good for the resporatory and also the smell helps keep away flees/ticks ive never had a problem untill i heard this. does any one out there used it or fish oils. and what is your opinions cheers all B
  13. next load ready again boys pipa message me for saturdays delivery......... going good this stuff never thought it would sell so well
  14. god i need glasses nearly fired the dog on to the farmer .....lol

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