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Everything posted by cantona

  1. APW any idea when the book on minshows will be in print, look forwood to reading it.
  2. well done the unorganised days always seem to be the best
  3. bellman and flint locater collar for sale £50 used a few times.
  4. If its the one with the collie cross dogs that struggle with a fox doubled up ,then in my opinion the dogs are shite and its a bad example of fox killing lurchers.
  5. as most readers have probly realised ime shit on a computer i started a topic a couple of weeks ago on bales after a good mornings work and wanted to share some decent pictures i waited for my son to visit as he sees himself as a computer genius but after trying several times were still unsucsesful how hard can it be
  6. try em but dont force em they will no if its holding listen to your dogs good luck
  7. what height are they now mate? they look a good size, what age did they stop growing as they look like there filling out , they will get a look at end of the season wont they mate
  8. went out on tuesday morning due to an unforseen day of work with a couple of mates with the sole intention of finding charlie to ground we pulled up on to permission early morning next to a bale stack which has in the past always proved fruitfull and sure enough after nettin as many entrances as possible and letting the bullcross out we got a good mark off her terrier in first fox of the day we went on to dig another twenty minutes aftermards a good day had by all i got some good pics and wil try and put them up as soon as i no how to has anyone else had any luck in bales yet this sason
  9. a friend of mine has borrowed my patt bitch for the season as he olny has young dogs he was out yesterday morning his proven lurcher was marking v keenly the russels that were there swhowed little interest black bitch had to be dragged away russell did enter in the end but blackone had to tell it there was someone a home not a good nose sorry have to disagree
  10. went out today bolted a big fox and missed it got soaked to the bone, my gortex army trousers were worse than useless, could anybody recomend a decent pair cf hardwearing waterproof trousers that are not to heavy and where can i buy them from, thanks in advance.
  11. the last thing you want to do is go out for a mornings sport and dig 4 foot to your dog and a rabbit
  12. can anyone tell me are the smaller collars on sale yet
  13. between14 and 15 is ideal i just thought it seemed to be tall and well advanced for a 12 week pup ime not knocking it as we all no it ould turn out to be a craking earth dog sire was about15 ad dam around 13 to 14 so should be just right fngers crossed
  14. just showed picture to my 10yr old son who names all my dogs [bANNED TEXT] you think to cody
  15. weve just purchased a new addition jrt pup its twelve weeks old stands at 9 and a half inch i no terriers dont fill out till later but am i right in saying height wise they stop at about 8 months would welcome some feedback
  16. well done dya need a lamp or dya just hold your foot in the air
  17. maybe that whoever had it before enterd it tooo early and put it off
  18. never had any problems with water getting in the collar is it a common problem with b and f then also couldnt the collar be bitten through pretty easily
  19. never had any problems with water getting in the collar is it a common problem with b and f then also couldnt the collar be bitten through pretty easily
  20. hello mate new to the forum signed in really to look for a pup for my mate weve got 4 bitches between us so looking for a quality dog pup has it gone yet no pup is still here . any chance u cud phone me would like to no more
  21. probably a bit late but have u still got the pup if so cud you pm me your number
  22. hello mate new to the forum signed in really to look for a pup for my mate weve got 4 bitches between us so looking for a quality dog pup has it gone yet hello again mate really like to discuss more about the pup as i am a new member i understand u need to gain trust my mobile is 07825589697 cheers
  23. hello mate new to the forum signed in really to look for a pup for my mate weve got 4 bitches between us so looking for a quality dog pup has it gone yet
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