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Everything posted by cantona

  1. very nice gesture isnt it great to hear of someone olny interested in there dogs going to working homes instead of the for sale forum busting at the seams fair play to you mate
  2. so what happens when the harder more experience dog pushes the young one head first into there quarry that there probably scared stiff to face and it puts them off going to ground again :cry
  3. just got in gone to see dog and shes bit the loose bit of pad off so it looks like it has to harden from inside out now, i wonder if green oils will help
  4. My lurcher has split and ripped her pad , does anyone no of anyway of speeding up the healing process ? Thanks in advance.
  5. with young dogs that are probably not headbangers isnt it possible they were coming out looking for a better vantage point they are as he stated young
  6. what height is he and will he get much taller, ie parents size.
  7. is there anyway you can turn it down to 12 ft ibs as am interested but no licence
  8. ARE YOU SURE YOU DONT MEAN LAB PUP Thanks for your comment mate we will see in a couple of months time eh? thanks for all the other kind comments an pms gang Theres always one who tries to knock ya down never mind. SORRY LAD DIDNT MEAN TO BE RUDE JUST THOUGHT IT LOOKED LIKE A LAB PUP WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING WITH HIM IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS??? No worries heres him in a baby chair better pic of its head well proportioned for a pup looking like he will be strong
  9. can any one tell me the name of the working russell site that c h helps run, old skool used to recommend it with a link.
  10. interested to no if there are any terrier men or rat packs that go out in the warwickshire area i go out digging with a friend but somehow find it hard to come by good rattin g permission if there is any such thing my mate has a 6month old russell that would bennefit an outing as would our other terriers so come on lads show your christmas spirit would love a day out :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:
  11. if a dogs cheap it shouldnt persuade you to buy it, you either want one or not, 7 or 8 years of potentiel work
  12. a bull cross is bred for a job that certain other crosses can do, but if you buy a pup and run it on for two years untill its ready for that type of work you want the odds stacked in your favour, the odds are on the bull cross hense the popularity.
  13. out early this morning on a new bit of permission with a friends young russell bitch bull x and my small black un within 5 minutes we got a strong mark of the lurcher who dosent let you down we took the young russell over to see if she showed any interest and whie still on the lead started straining and baying just got ready to net up fox bolted the lurcher marked again a few feet away at a seperate earth russell in after a dig of a foot broke through to see the terrier doing what she was bred for fox dispatched humainly now i have seen a fair amount of foxs with mange but this was clean hea
  14. [bANNED TEXT] the fxxxk are you doing cracking a 15 week old pup strange new surroundings just getting use to you very clever
  15. Good lookers, look like old nuttell lines
  16. Richard Strattons the book of the American pit bull terrier, very good con, Strattons the world of the American Pit bull terrier good con, and the world of fighting dogs, Dr Carl Semenic average con. £110
  17. Very smart firm you have, does the lurcher still go with you
  18. does anyone no when Darcys now thats what i call lurcher work is out in print
  19. I would have thought a quarter to a 3 eaighth bull would have been considered a lot more considering the amount of game 3 eaighth dogs about now.
  20. A mate of mine had dogs of that line, he had Toddy in his kennells for a while and kept breeding from that line, he said Tom Parr didnt breed him like some people have said in the past but i cant remember who did, i will give him a ring and find out , was it Bruce Woodcock im not sure .
  21. In my opinion you have hit the nail on the head
  22. I have sent of for a copy of the book now thats what i call terrier work , is it a recent one of Darcys or an old one? Is it before dig deep as untill yesterday i hadnt heard of it or seen any advertising but saw on his website they were sold out. How do people rate the book. thanks in advance
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