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Everything posted by cantona

  1. is there a bitch anywhere near that has come in season, if so that would be why
  2. walk them round a show ring, plenty of exercise that
  3. i have a 15 foot deben ferret finder with 2 15 foot collars, all in good working order, one of the caps of the collar is missing, you can get them of ebay for £5, i want to swop for a mk3 deben box and collar, thanks for looking
  4. i am having problems getting my dog to bring bunnys back, he fetches balls back he also retrieved a couple in the winter on the lamp but recently he has just stood over them chewing them, mostly mixi rabbits with the odd clean one , i have tried throwing them for him and once out of about 10 throws he carried back a little only to drop short and mouth again, the dog will be 2 in august so i think he is young enough to crack hopefully , looking for ideas please from the experienced people in these things, thanks in advance.
  5. all dogs if worked hard will steady up and not run flat out at uncatchable quarry, ive had it in my bedde cross, both bull crooss, and a saluki cross.
  6. has anyone got any spare kits in the coventry are now or in the near future? they must be from worker to worker i have wasted to much time with below average ferrets that work when it suits them, thanks for looking
  7. from that do you mean the barry has the range of the bellman and the pinpoint of the deben? only asking as i am sick of the pinpoint on bellend and flint and need better accuracy
  8. Trebles are £250 posted Doubles £180 posted Shovels £50 posted Spikes £15 posted... could you put better pics of shovels up with both assembold and broken down, thanks, also what measurements
  9. does anyone no the terrier man of the barlow hunt, well he was about 4 years ago., w, m, are his initials, keeps smooth russells that his father kept so from a very old line, i had a smooth dog of him and am happy with the way it works , does anyone no him or no of his dogs as i would like to maybe get another, thanks
  10. this time next year they will look how they should, they havent hardend or muscled up yet just feed them well and work them and they will be big boned muscled up running dogs because that is how they are bred
  11. cheers, would you use tube or bar
  12. can anyone recomend a decent spade and where from please, i like the wooden t handle best but not the ex army ones as i find they break easy, although am willing to try somthing new if recomended, thanks
  13. like you say give then a bone to chew on every now an then i need a minser myself now i get scraps of three different butchers, makes sense to minse it
  14. which is why i asked to be honest, nothing more than nets to block holes it says, but a police countryside liasion officer has said that the use of nets is illegal
  15. could someone tell me if using nets to cover holes on fox earths is illegal or not, obviously done for the protection of game birds to be shot with a gun after, thanks
  16. cheers, does he retrieve alright, i always have problems with retieveing even after 20 odd years of trying, my pup certainly has the brains to be highly trained which goes against what a lot say of this type of dog
  17. does anyone have experience of this cross, saluki whipit grey/ grey, i have a13 month pup at the moment who is layed up after hitting a fence when lamping, although young he is quite good on recall and basic commands and has had a few bunnies with alrightish retrieves.any body with experiences with this type?
  18. i have a 25.5 dog would you say big or medium
  19. what will you shoot when you and the rest of the marksmen have killed all in your area and the surrounding area , oh and all the other surrounding areas, no adults to move in, no cubs to shoot spring time, oh dear we have messed it up not only for us but everyone else and of course the fox
  20. surely comon sense says if you dont no the ins and outs about entering one sapling then get two, unbelieveable
  21. cheers, i googled it and ordered some thanks
  22. thanks for reply, a couple of questions, if it is say a fracture what can be done if anything, and after healing from a fracture or a bad smash at 13 months would you expect a full recovery, ie will it be still good for what it was bred for, saluki whippit x grey whip, thanks once again for any feedback
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