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Everything posted by cantona

  1. hopefully not, I'm getting one mainly for lurcher work , the reason I'm not getting a terrier is because they are more trainable
  2. serious come down from a Saturday session or just a knob?
  3. . GOT IT WRONG, 6 and a half weeks next weekend not 5and a half sorry! What do people think of a pup leavening at 6 and a half weeks
  4. I've been told I can pick up my cocker pup next weekend which will make it 5 and a half weeks old, it's been eating solids for the past week and the breeder thinks it is old enough to leave, has anyone had a pup at this age before? A friend of mine had a terrier at 6 and a half weeks and it was fine but I was thinking 5.5 is to early?
  5. how come the cocker you had was to full on? Was it because you started the training to early or to late?i like the look of you're springers by the way
  6. Jangles, that makes sense thanks, if you were to introduce whistle commands what age roughly? I will teach the basics sit stay recall and retrieve when relatively young but maybe whistle ,quartering at n older age?
  7. she will be flushing to my lurchers mate an a bit of beatin. what training will you give it if any mate?
  8. Has anyone else trained a cocker
  9. Thanks ftm, do you teach basics like sit and recall before retrieve though?
  10. Looking at training cocker to whistle for rough shooting and bushing for lurchers, I am used to training terrier and lurchers but not spaniel so bought a couple of books and DVDs , only thing is I am more confused now because the order in what there trained is different in each one, what is the best order to train please, I usually teach name, recall , sit , stay , retrieve while socialising all the time then let them start to hunt, would that be ok in that order? Then start more advanced stuff, like whistle and quartering etc?
  11. Navec, would you not train a spaniel to work to the gun then if your priority was to bush cover for lurchers? Do you think to much training like hand signals and quartering would perhaps limit them for working big areas of cover? I am interested as I will be training mine soon, cheers
  12. . What I was trying to say was if you've trained t he spaniel as a gun dog already then chances are he's only hunting up so far because he's been thought to flush close , my mate had his cocker and springer out with me today and the cocker who is younger followed the springer more than working its own scent, not sure if its a good thing or not? I think spaniels do keep popping out of over more than say terriers would but I would like to hear of someone who has had more experience with spaniels working cover for foxs or bunny s
  13. If he's a gun dog and he drops on a flush to the whistle on pheasent do you think you can teach him he can hunt on with Rabbit ?once flushed or will he drop like on a bird? I will have this with mine when its old enough so might let it hunt on with ground game then try to stop it on birds after, anybody had a spaniel trained this way?
  14. ive more chance of flying than getting a gun licence, Hence the question mate You dont need a licence or a gun if there is someone with you who has got both. The law says that the intension must be to shoot. The CA wont back you if you are not legal. Thats what this topic was about originally. Are you a member btw?thanks for telling me I didn't need a licence when someone was with me with a gun who has a licence, sometimes I get chance to go out on my own though and no I stopped giving the ca money 20 years ago
  15. ive more chance of flying than getting a gun licence, Hence the question mate
  16. cheers joe, I will get basic obedience done then maybe if recall to whistle is decent then see how far ahead he hunts up before heeling of lead?
  17. Do you mean getting it to a decent level of obedience before entering it? I'd say that was definitely a good idea if you want to keep any sort of control of it when it hunts,and wont ruin it. yes that's what I mean, I'm used to terriers that will go to ground if given chance so am going to try to train a cocker to a high standerd but don't want to mess up on the hunting side if that makes more sense
  18. Keeping a busher away from bunny,s and then mentioning lurchers ,you cannot be that fecking dumb,as this is the Hunting Life,you may be in your element.?
  19. With a cocker would it possibly ruin it for bushing to lurchers if I keep it away from rabbits and concentrate on healing it of the lead ?
  20. If you can use nets to catch fox can you release it then fill holes in to stop it using the earth to move it on
  21. Got given agill that was in a hutch with a hob and 2 other Jill's brought it home put it in with another ferret Jill and after an hour or so it tried to kill it? Maybe it's in kit other than that I can't work out the behaviour ? Any ideas please
  22. thanks for the offer but picked one up today
  23. Jill dead this morning, willing to pay good money for worker
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