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Everything posted by cantona

  1. Where can you get aludex from without prescription
  2. Does anyone no where you can get advacate from without prescription ?
  3. So what is the best halogen for big fields then ? I have a striker but I don't think it's good enough for long runs
  4. My pups 5 months old and retrieves tennis ball well , I am thinking of getting a 1/2 pound dummy for her,is there a bet way of introducing it or just throw it for it and call her in wih whistle
  5. when you say only 750 meters is that not the longest beam you can get?
  6. How come all the newest lamps out a re led but most people slag them, are there people who have switched to them and are happy with led
  7. Anyone use either of these , as far as ican see they are the best of bunch, need to make a disision , big fields mainly!
  8. Thanks makes sense but do you train sit command prior to this with feeding or straight in to the way you described
  9. . Thanks for reply, yes it is pretty standerd stuff just want to be sure, thanks again
  10. Should you train a pup to sit to the whistle straight away or give the command sit then introduce the ŵhistle at a later date, thanks for any replies
  11. I am teaching my sprocker pup to recall to its name which it has done well, now I want to add the whistle , bit confused as some books say two pips and some say 4 pieps, which one do I use
  12. . Wow a lot of growing potentially then, cheers chevinfox
  13. Surely someone's hada sprocker and can remember at about the age it reached its max height, cockers and springers are different so is it in between?
  14. Pups settled in well now, getting very confident already, 5 months old and about 14 to the shoulder, what age do they stop growing height wise? About 7 or 8 months?
  15. My mates springer bushes everything but when it's a fox you can tell straight away , it yaps and cries and marks them a lot stronger than bunnies, maybe because its round earths with terriers but it certainly is its preferred quarry.
  16. Went and had a look last night and it seemed a bit more confident that I had been told, jumped up me for fuss, i brought it home with me ,daughter has been playing with it and introduced it to my dogs, seems to have more confidence already.
  17. What age roughly does a sprocker stop growing in height at ?thanks for any replys
  18. Been offered a 5 month old sprocker pup, it's had no training at all, not been socialised much either apart from out in the yard when getting kennell cleaned,dosent seem timid wags tail, but a little cautious , would it be ok to take on at 5 month with no training ( not even a name given) or wold you stay clear of it, was supposed to pick a Cocker pup but its gone wrong so now on the lookout again
  19. Anyone no of any decent litters been bred cocker or sprocker? Mainly for lurcher work but some beating as well?
  20. Do vets ask to see paperwork for docking when you take pups in for jabs?
  21. A friend of mine has bought a pup with a docked tail without the paper work, he needs to get it jabbed but will the vet ask to see paperwork when he takes it in?The dog is a springer
  22. Which is the best lamp for big fields, I have a 170 but would like something that throws further
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