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Everything posted by cantona

  1. Is that one of the Hancock collie crosses you're on about? No it's an old beddy whippet greyhound I had years ago excelled on rabbits day and night, got on hare and pulled the odd fox too I had one 20ish year ago George Kelly bred, wish I had it now!
  2. Like I said been out with a few and even rabbiting they didn't have enough fire for me, smallish fast fields, picking runs and stalking , ferreting ok but nothing special, my old bed die whippit greyhound bitch much better for bunnys, these were the ones I went out with
  3. I would like a collie cross like the ones you hear about on here, but I wouldn't take the risk running one on because I have seen a few that were utter shite, not saying I don't believe people have good dogs but seems a bit hit and miss for me to run a pup on for 18 month for nothing
  4. There native goldfinches been selectively breed, they are easy enough if you're used to British
  5. Anyone ever used Nextel all terrain tyres on there trucks
  6. Stunning bird that slip lead, do you know of any peas or Chevs for sale?
  7. Anybody got any pied pea throat or cveveral goldies for sale?
  8. What coller can you use with a mk1 grey box , need to get an extra one but been told the newer collers are better
  9. Bought a sprocker at 4 months old, treated it like a terrier and it was a nightmare, couldn't get focus or obedience at all, tried to catch birds in the field and went death to my calls, went on the gun dog section and a lot said shouldn't have bought it at that age and you were told not to ,get rid , went to see a gun dog trainer read books and watched DVDs on training and now at 16 months she's worth every hour I've put into her, only taken her hunting once with the lurchers so far but what a buzz , I've been working terriers and lurchers for nearly 30 years and gone back to mouching, I've r
  10. is the sole any good on you're new ones? Is it a common fault or were you unlucky do yo think
  11. Fair play mate, you get the most out of you're dogs, training them to a high standard means you get the full potential out of any breed and years of controlled hunting , not many moochers ever get that
  12. Did you mean low a? If so there out of stock
  13. Does anyone no a good price for either of the above, done a Google search but just checking in case I've missed something
  14. Got a greyhound with 1/8 whippit 1/8th saluki in it, brought up as a lurcher and works exactly the same as a lurcher, hunts by scent , bushes, jumps, ferrets very steady , works with terriers and lamps of slip when on my own, only thing I can fault is the ground wants to be ok or he might be lame after a hard run!
  15. Had a double bred bitch to miner and sherry, good bitch , went up for a mating of miner to my mates bitch she wouldn't stand so he let us take miner home till she stood, he didn't no us from Adam! Very trusting and nice man, but he bought the litter of us even though we didn't no the breeding of bitch, said he put ove his dogs again and it's back to his breeding!
  16. A lot of people look at the date and think the seasons here and start working the dogs, if the conditions are wrong don't work them till there right , then gradually !
  17. I have some of this years siskins for sale , nice birds aviary bred £35 each or £70 a pair , can do unrelated pairs
  18. Border terrier = rough coat thought everyone knew he put it in his breeding early nineties?
  19. Thats a poor looking Deerhoundy bitch,short coupled,short necked,narrow fronted and weak skulled,the dog looks a tad wider between the ears but is slender jawed and as weak looking as the bitch.A very poor representation of a Deerhoundy.do you always have a bad word to say? Not always,this is a site for open debate and discussion.Nearly all the posts on this thread enthused about the pups.Many know im a massive fan of Deerhoundy lurchers and id not wish prospective Deerhoundy lurcher owners to be influenced by poor specimens,which many are.Looking at these two it would be easy to believe there
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