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Everything posted by gluebeam

  1. gluebeam


    hahaha sorry i was reading some american articles and they seem to use bb,s for most wildfowling (well some do). thanks for the advice.
  2. gluebeam


    i bought some 34gm bb eley maximum to try and cope with some of the really high tufted ducks i have been shooting, would they be complete overkill?
  3. got it all sanded and the first coat done, its looking really good
  4. im going to linseed oil my dads shotgun stcock, how long do i wait between coats and how many coats will it need? also do i need to cut the oil with turpintine for the first few coats? thanks very much.
  5. i have an 810 and it cycles all the loads i put into it, right down to 2 1/2 inch 28g carts, ive only had a few jams and ive fired bout 750 rounds through it in about 3 months. i love it to bits
  6. looks very nice, ive got one of the old style canadian canoes and its really good on rivers and lakes but never had it out on the sea, id say it would be grand on a calm day, never have got round to shooting from mine, might give it a go this weekend.
  7. think the licence is 50quid not sure bout age youll have to ask someone else
  8. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=80531
  9. would it be semi atou or bolt action i have used both before? how much are silencers and how long does it take to aply for one as they need to be done seperately to the gun?anyone know any good gun shops in the somerset area? well the cz range are bolt action. silencer id go for a sak one which should cost you bout 35squid. as for the licence you just apply for it along with the rifle in a separate slot they will take the same time. just state 1 .22 rimfire rifle and 1 .22 rimfire silencer.
  10. really the gun is the same as the scope and where to buy? thats usually a good rule, the gun will only be as accurate as the scope you put on it. as for where most good gun shops will stock a wide range of rimfires, i think a good cz will be sweet, good quality for a good price.
  11. bout 150-250 for a second hand/new cz and bout 200 for a decent scope should get you sorted
  12. im in exactly the same boat, im 16 turning 17 in may (18th) looking to get my first shotgun and possibly a rimfire later. looking forwards to seeing what info you get here. i think you can only be granted a fac at this age if you live or work on the land but i could be mistaken.
  13. http://www.normanharpur.com/component/page...mart/Itemid,26/ was thinking of this for my first gun. what do you think, looks good for the price.
  14. my price range would be about mx 150 but probably less
  15. hi there i own an fac bsa supersport. i have a nikkon mountmaster (old) on it and cant hit sh17 all it used to be very accurate but i think the scope has taken a knock or the recoil has messed it up, what scope would you recomend i put on it. i was thinking of the 10x44 mtc a i could also use it on a rimfire if i get one
  16. if the trigger is adjustable then whats the problem, or do the trigger kits inprove the overall feel of the trigger?
  17. i thought the new cz (453) had an adjustable trigger? the 452's dont
  18. will be using them against mallard and possibly canadians . what will they give me? ... more range? what shot size? are they worth the extra price? im in northern ireland so i can use lead..
  19. anyone know how to attach sling to the magazine end cap of a webley and scott 810 semi?
  20. very nice, what scope/mod, how much?
  21. well a friend has invited me to shoot some rabbits on an island about 100 yards from the shore of his boat club. now this place is frigin crawling with the buggers and they are really doing some damage to the land. someone even released a fox over there to try and keep the population down but it dosent seem to be doing much anyways i was going to use my dads air rifle because his shotty would be too loud (boat club people would complain). the island is about 50 achers how would you go about controling them? it would most likely have to be done during the day, but because of the lack
  22. shot one with a 36g no 4 today, not a happy pigeon
  23. http://www.normanharpur.com/component/page...mart/Itemid,26/
  24. you would get a new cz 17hmr for a bit less than that?
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