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Everything posted by shifty

  1. has anyone got a meet card for the stokesley farmers beagles ?? cheers shifty
  2. Whats silly about £500 for a well bred, well reared, microchipped, registered pedigree puppy? Whats FAR more "silly" is Saluki's at £1000 (not registered) and Doodle this and "Jug" that at £800!! Oh and a few chocolate Patts at £600! For the record I have turned down many thousands of pounds for my dogs, I have "orders" for 5 puppies and Ive never bred a litter! I have people that want my males semen in Canada, the USA and Australia as well as bitches travelling from the continent, guess what? I had him a Suprelorin implant so that HE would be happier and settled when my pup came
  3. thank you that man !!!the only reason that you should get rid of the dog is cos you dont deserve it !!a bad workman always blames his tools !!!bet you scolded the dog aswell didnt ya !!!
  4. the dogs r belters son !! one guess who took the pics ,big bald blokes shadow in pic 4 !!! lol
  5. get some bone radial use that & rest the dog !!
  6. get a new muzzle & tie it to her coller so it cant be taken off !! it works!!!
  7. ive been with lurchers & this bitch when he was gettin her started ,nice bitch will make a crackin rabbitin dog day or night ,ran the beam well with my bitch ,she also has a crackin nose in the daytime worked cover with the terriers will make crackin bushin dog with her size !!! A NICE MOOCHIN DOG & POTFILLER !!! defo worth its money
  8. my mate got a bitch off jon ! nice strong healthy pup will make a good allround dog will have loads of stamina ,good lenght of back & will make 25 easy may be more its about 21" now good feet good coat & worth £50 have a look at em they r worth it !!!!
  9. my bitch dislocated or broke her innertoe this morn ,the joint had been damaged before about a year ago ,my vet said he would pinfire it 4 me but i never did the toe has moved out to the outsid from the2nd joint so im waitin till tuesday for the swelling to go downto see [bANNED TEXT] to do this time anymore views on this thread wud help me aswell as the topic starter please give your opinions on the subject !!!!
  10. listen to your mates son!!! it will never make 27" it looks like a brindle sausage dog !!!
  11. micropore tape from the chemists
  12. nice big healthy pups mate good heads on em ,blue & tan is my fav !!
  13. Nice border mate how she bred do she work below ground how old is she cheers breeder shes foxwyn bred,8 yrs old ,i never entered her to ground mate but has bolted plenty from bales & tight bits of cover & nice bits to lay up in ,shes been a very good bitch ,steady, dosnt lie ,has a hellish nose a pleasure to work ,watch & own,there is a lot from this line that were worked to ground tho
  14. theres a pic, dont see em in cover unless something breaks! work fox,rabbit,hare,feathers on top
  15. its a nice thing kidda ,u might aswell give me billy now!! that pup will keep u busy enough!!!
  16. cheaper tickets were on offer mate ,the parking was out of the organisers hands cos there was a massive maquee where the usual rings are in place & the rings were set up buy the wolsignham show organisers ,we wud of liked the rings & parking as usual lurchers at the bottom ,terriers at the top & parkin all the way round,prize money was given for each class winner ,good tropheys & good rossettes £ 100 for the cock of the north winner gifts for the judges & 5 months of work & phone calls to oganise it ,there were plenty of people that rounded it off to £2 so if its the
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